A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘women’

Friday 18 September

1 Timothy 6:2-12; Ps. 49; Luke 8:1-3 With Jesus went certain women I love this small window into the life of Jesus. The women are named! They are daring, strong, loving, counter-cultural in their accompanying of Jesus. How Jesus must have appreciated and enjoyed their steadfast companionship as their desire to serve deepened. This was […]

Thursday 17 September

1 Timothy 4:12-16; Ps. 111; Luke 7:36-50 See this woman This is a poignant story of an extraordinary encounter between an anonymous woman and Jesus. A story of the hospitality of Jesus and of love exchanged. Here is an outcast who dares because she is desperate. This reminds me of the migrant refugees, especially the […]

Antarctic – New Zealand Catholic Chaplaincy to End

The National Science Foundation, which manages the U.S. Antarctic Programme, has announced that a steady decline in church-going at U.S. Antarctic stations means the Programme can no longer support the services of Catholic Priests through New Zealand’s Catholic Diocese of Christchurch’s Antarctic Chaplaincy Programme. The Diocese has been informed that McMurdo Station will continue to […]

Saturday 25 April

ANZAC Day 1 Corinthians 1:18-25; Ps 116; John 12:23-28 Gratitude and Prayer Today we remember those who died 100 years ago protecting our freedom and the many men and women who have died in war since. So many people have been killed in the last century in wars and conflict. We are deeply grateful for […]

Friday 19 December

Judges 13:2-7,24-25, Psalm 71, Luke 1:5-25 God’s gift The miracle of a child. In both readings God/Jehovah heard the prayers of childless women. Their infertility had been their humiliation. So their joy is overwhelming when they each conceive sons. Think of the extraordinary efforts that today’s women make to get pregnant. All the riches of […]

A Poem for the SMSM

“From them to us there is a long history,  A history of light and shadow With times of growth, Times of patience, And endurance in faith” (SMSM Constitutions – Prologue) ————————————————————– One hundred and fifty years ago … You farewelled your parents, your families, your homelands, to serve God through Mary in the faraway isles […]

Monday 29 September

ARCHANGELS MICHAEL, GABRIEL AND RAPHAEL Daniel 7: 9-10, 13-14; Psalm 118; John 1: 47-51 Michael, Gabriel, Raphael The word angel means messenger and the names that angels have indicate the ministry God has entrusted to them. Michael means ‘Who is like God’ and refers to his incessant fight against those who would put themselves above […]

Friday 12 September

1 Cor 9: 16-19 ; Psalm 84; Luke 6: 39-42 Flip side The first three Gospels record Our Lord’s twofold commandment of love. The Fourth Gospel gives us the Lord’s New Commandment. In all his letters, with one exception, St Paul exhorts us to love others. But we can only love God and our fellow […]

Wednesday 3 September

St Gregory the Great 1 Corinthians 3: 1-9; Psalm 33; Luke 4: 38-44 Thy Kingdom Come The Kingdom of God, God’s reign, was the major theme in Our Lord’s preaching and teaching. He proclaimed God’s Kingdom not only in words but also through signs and wonders. God reigns now in the hearts of people who […]

Friday 15 August

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Apocalypse 11: 19; 12: 1-6, 10; Ps 45B; 1 Corinthians 15: 20-26; Luke 1: 39-56 Blessings How easy it would have been for Mary to have quietly stayed at home and prepared for the arrival of God’s Son. Instead, she chose to make the long journey to her cousin […]