A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘vows’

Wednesday 6 November

Romans 13:8-10; Psalm 112; Luke 14:25-33 The cost of discipleship So often Jesus reminds his disciples that they shouldn’t be fooled by the adoring crowds, by his popularity. Being a disciple is not an easy path to follow. To follow Christ requires courage and determination. It requires a constant daily effort to be faithful. The […]

Thursday 22 August

Mary, Mother and Queen (m) Judges 11:29-39; Psalm 40; Matthew 22:1-14 Clothed with Christ The Judges story is appalling, revealing the foolishness of rash vows. Human sacrifice was forbidden (Leviticus 18:21), so priests are unlikely to have fulfilled this holocaust. The daughter spent two months bewailing her ‘virginity’. Many scholars believe she was set apart […]

Monday 30 June

Thirteenth Week Ordinary Time Amos 2:6-10,13-16, Ps. 50, Matthew 8: 18-22 Love never rests The urgency of the gospel, the desperate need to share it with others comes to my life when I discover Jesus Christ in the Word. Then there is no rest, no where to call home. This urgency can look like the […]

Sunday 1 June

Ascension of the Lord Acts 1: 1-11, Ps. 47, Ephesians 1: 17-23, Mathew 28: 16-20 Evangelise now From one in authority comes a command, not a suggestion, to evangelise. As Jesus leaves his disciples he speaks explicitly of baptism and implicitly of his presence with us for all time in the Eucharist. Going to Mass […]

Venerable Cornelia Connelly — Wife, Mother, Foundress

Many people today may not have heard of Cornelia Connelly, but this was not so in the middle of the 19th century. The drama-filled life of the Foundress of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus made news in Britain and the United States and she became a household name, though not always for the […]