Tag Archive for ‘Tutu’

Recovering from Tropical Cyclone Winston
Report from Tutu Rural Training Centre, Taveuni, Fiji, May 2016 On 20 February 2016 severe category 5 Tropical Cyclone Winston struck many parts of Fiji. The island of Taveuni was one of the most severely affected areas. So were the home villages of the Tutu participants throughout Fiji Northern Provinces. The damage caused to housing, […]

The Society of Mary is accepting donations to alleviate people’s suffering in Fiji and help them rebuild their lives after the destruction caused by cyclone Winston. One of the areas hit badly was Tutu, the rural training centre in Tavenui, where 22 buildings have either been partially or completely destroyed. Tutu offers five courses catering […]

St Joseph and Pope Francis
Except for John Paul I every pope since Blessed Pius IX has spoken about St Joseph. Pope Francis has done so more than once. The Holy Father first shared some thoughts about our saint in the homily at his Mass of inauguration on 19 July 2013. The pope spoke about the saint’s mission as protector […]