Tag Archive for ‘Trust God’
Wednesday 1 October
MEMORIAL OF ST THERESE OF THE CHILD JESUS [Alternative readings] Isaiah 66:10-14; Ps 88; Matthew 18:1-5 Trust God The Little Flower of Lisieux was utterly convinced that God would comfort her as a mother comforts her child. She strove to trust in God as a little child trusts in a trustworthy parent. St Therese is […]

Looking back…
The happenings in our lives are like prophecies – you can’t understand their significance until after they have happened. It’s only when you look back that you see a pattern emerging. Some of life’s most painful events emerge in retrospect as turning points. When my first marriage collapsed, my world seemed to crash out of […]
Saturday 7 January
1 John: 5:14-21; Ps 149, John 2: 1-11 Don’t be embarrassed – trust Him. Jesus is the Son of God and has the power to change anything: water into wine – as at the wedding at Cana; he could make ill people become healthy; make it possible for blind people to see and for sinners […]