Tag Archive for ‘Transfiguration’
Monday 12 August
Deuteronomy 10:12-22; Psalm147; Matthew 17:22-27 The power of preconceived ideas Both before and after the Transfiguration, Jesus predicts his death and resurrection. The disciples hear only the death, and are discouraged. They still expect Jesus to be an earthly king. Jesus uses the tax question to emphasise his true kingship. Kings pay no tax and […]
Tuesday 6 August
The Transfiguration of the Lord (f) Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14; Psalm 97; 2 Peter 1:16-19; Luke 9:28-36 Radiate God’s love today We sometimes say that a pregnant woman looks radiant. Something hidden fills her with love and life. At the Transfiguration, the Kingdom of God is unmasked in Christ and the hidden glory of God shines […]

The Transfiguration in Stained Glass
The Transfiguration of the Lord is the feast on Sunday, 6th August. No doubt the story is familiar to you as you will have heard the Gospel read every year at about this time. The event is described in Matthew, Mark and Luke’s Gospels, reflecting it’s significance. In all three accounts there was a sequence […]