Tag Archive for ‘Tonga’

The Beginnings of the Catholic Church in Tonga Based on the writings of Fr Joseph Deihl SM, adapted by Fr Kevin Head SM Part 5
Based on the writings of Fr Joseph Deihl SM, adapted by Fr Kevin Head SM Part 5 Poverty and Persecution From their earliest days in Tonga, the situation in which the Catholic missionaries found themselves was dire. Apart from the persecutions they endured, they lived in abject poverty. In 1843, Fr Grange wrote, “We are […]

The Beginnings of the Catholic Church in Tonga
Based on the writings of Fr Joseph Deihl SM, adapted by Fr Kevin Head SM Part 4 Fake News! Towards the end of 1851 and in early 1852, rumours circulated in Tonga about the downfall of the monarchy in France. In fact, Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte, later Napoleon III, had staged a coup d’état on 2 December […]

The Beginnings of the Catholic Church in Tonga
Based on the writings of Fr Joseph Deihl SM, adapted by Fr Kevin Head SM Part 3 Fr Deihl wrote, “Persecution and the dispersal of the persecuted have often proven to be, in the designs of God, the good wind that carries the seeds of the gospel far afield; the story of the Catholic mission […]

The Beginnings of the Catholic Church in Tonga
Part 2 – Based on the writings of Fr Joseph Deihl SM, adapted by the Fr Kevin Head SM [Italics are used where Fr Deihl is quoted directly and at length.] Despite the promising beginnings of the Church in Tonga, the ministry of Fr Chevron and Br Attale would be beset by many difficulties. Of Bishop […]

Mission Snippets from Oceania
Rotuma After 174 years, the Society of Mary mission in Rotuma ended on Sunday 26 July this year. Representing the Oceania Province, the Vicar-Provincial, Fr Milikiade Rayalu SM, handed over the key to Our Lady of Victory Church, Rotuma, to the Vicar-General of the Archdiocese of Suva, Fr Sulio Turagakacivi, who represented the Archdiocese at […]

MM 50 Years Ago
From Bishop John Rodgers SM, Bishop of Tonga Just recently I had occasion to seek an audience with the King of Tonga who, I think, is the only reigning sovereign in the Pacific area. He is very much a king and can trace his unbroken lineage back before the Norman Conquest of England. If one […]
MM 50 Years Ago
As we see it … the “giant leap for mankind” All of us would echo the words of the Holy Father in his dedicatory inscription that was placed on the surface of the moon: “For the glory of the name of God who gives man such power, we pray and wish well for this marvellous […]

Fr Cleofas Waisu Harisimae SM
Born 25 April 1976 in Malaita, Solomon Islands, Diocese of Auki Professed 28 December 2000, at Marist Training Centre, Tutu, Taveuni, Fiji Ordained 10 December 2005 Died 19 October 2018 in Honiara Fr. Cleofas was the third born in a family of nine. Philip, his father has died. Noella, his mother, is here with us, […]

Fr Lutoviko ‘Olie, aged 28, was ordained to the Priesthood on 29 June this year, at Pea, Tonga, by Cardinal Soane Patita Paini Mafi. Pea was the first village in Tonga to receive the Catholic faith, in 1842, from Fr Chevron sm, and Br Attale sm. Thus, Lutoviko’s Ordination tied in with the 175th anniversary […]

Tonga’s First Cardinal Installed in St Peter’s, Rome
Soane Patita Paini Mafi became Tonga’s first Cardinal at a ceremony that took place at 11pm on Saturday 14th February New Zealand time. Vatican Insider described the scene after the ceremony: “Tonga’s first Cardinal was surrounded by the faithful and relatives who formed a chorus and were singing a traditional song at the top of […]