Tag Archive for ‘Teresa of Avila’

The Interior Castle of St Teresa of Jesus of Ávila
Part 7 of 7 We now arrive at the heart of the Castle, or rather, we are admitted into the inner room, the presence chamber, to the spiritual marriage with Christ. The Lord and the soul are at peace and in profound union. I have visited the huge palace of Escorial outside Madrid and have […]

The Interior Castle of St Teresa of Jesus of Ávila
Part 5 of 7 The Fifth Mansions mark the growth and development of the new gift of contemplation given in the Fourth Mansions. This section shows St Teresa’s obedience and love for the Lord in writing this book as well as a deep desire to share with others, especially her daughters in Carmel, how deeper […]

The Interior Castle of St Teresa of Jesus of Ávila
Part 3 of 7 The Third Mansion St Teresa wrote two chapters on the Third Mansion, and the first three Mansions take up only 30% of the Interior Castle. This section marks the end of the ascetical effort, our work to change ourselves. From the Fourth Mansion onwards, God will be more prominent. First, it […]