Tag Archive for ‘St Therese Couderc’

September Saints
St Thérèse Couderc (1805-1885) Marie-Victoire Couderc was born in Le Mas. She was the fourth of twelve children of farmers Claude Michel Corderc and Anne Méry. In her childhood she attended Mass twice a week. She made her First Communion at Pentecost on 15 May 1815. In 1822, her parents sent her to a boarding school […]
Saturday 26 September
St Therese Couderc, Cenacle Foundress Zechariah 2:5-9, 14-15; Canticle of Jeremiah 31:10-14; Luke 9:43-45 Let these words sink in Today is the Feast of St Therese Couderc who founded the Cenacle Sisters in 1826 in France. Her prevailing attitude to life was one of surrender and openness to seeing Goodness in all things; her desire […]