A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘St Paul’

Wednesday 1st June

Acts 17:15,22-18:1, Ps.148, John 16:12-15 Good things take time Instant miracles do happen, but usually God seems to prefer to work with us slowly and patiently. Today’s readings both illustrate this. St Paul describes God’s gradual revelation of himself through history and Jesus speaks of the coming of the Holy Spirit, who will lead us […]

And With Your Spirit

In the last Messenger I concluded my reflection with the questions:  What are we saying? What do we mean by it? Why do we want the Lord to be with the spirit of the celebrant? Your editor, Fr Brian O’Connell, asked for my answer to those questions, hence this follow-up. Firstly a warning – the […]


When I was a little boy my idea of heaven was having bacon and egg every day.  This vision has become modified over the years, but we all wonder often what Heaven will be like. The only human who had a vision of Heaven was St Paul, and it helped inspire him to endure being […]

St Mary MacKillop – a true Australian

For the pilgrims from the Antipodes in the Eternal City for the canonization of their own Mary MacKillop, the final act of their three days of celebration was the Thanksgiving Mass in St Paul’s Outside-the-Walls, October 19, 2010. The vast nave of the basilica, enshrining the bones of the Apostle to the Gentiles, was filled […]