A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘St Luke’

Monday 18 October

St Luke, Evangelist (F) 2 Timothy 4:10-17; Psalm 145; Luke 10:1-9 Peace to this house Luke’s gospel narrative highlights the healing ministry of Jesus, linking it closely with the mercy of God. This was, and remains, the ‘Good News’ Jesus sent his followers to proclaim. The effectiveness of the message would be the peace it […]

An Introduction to the Stories of Luke

About 30 CE on the feast of Shavuot, the annual Jewish festival celebrating the disclosure of God’s Law to Moses on Mt Sinai, Peter became the first person to address a Jewish crowd to tell them the good news of Jesus the Christ. This feast is celebrated fifty days after Passover and often referred to […]

Sunday 22 December

Fourth Sunday of Advent Is 7:10-14, Ps 23:1-6, Rom 1:1-7, Matthew 1:18-24 A baby, human and divine There may be room for debate as to how literally certain parts of the Gospels are to be interpreted. About the virginal conception of Jesus however there can surely be no ambiguity in either St Matthew’s or St […]

Thursday 18 October

Ps.145, 2Timothy 4:10-17; Luke 10:1-9 Praise and adoration Psalm 145, a great hymn of praise and adoration, is appropriate for the Feast Day of St Luke, whose Gospel emphasises the importance of praise and adoration of God. Richard Foster, in his book “Prayer” says “In adoration we enter the rarefied air of selfless devotion. We […]

Thursday 4 October

Ps.27, Job 19:21-27, Luke 10:1-12 Mendicants The mendicant lifestyle advocated by Jesus for his disciples in today’s reading from St Luke, a lifestyle which was literally practised by St Francis of Assisi whose feast day it is today, is not one which most of us would wish to espouse. But in reality Jesus’ teaching, and […]