Tag Archive for ‘St Joseph’
Thursday 1 May
Paul 3:14-15. 17. 23-24, Mt 13:31-36 St Joseph the Worker They asked “Where did this man – the carpenter’s son get his wisdom and his miraculous powers”? Probably from his dad, Joseph a man of honour, commitment, attentiveness and courage who over months and years formed his son in the ways of manhood. Joseph who […]
Wednesday 19 March
ST JOSEPH, HUSBAND OF MARY 1 Samuel 7:4-5, 12-14, 16, Romans 4:13, 16-18, 22, Ps 89, Matthew 1:16, 18-21, 24 or Luke 2:41-51 Faith What great faith St Joseph must have needed to protect his wife and foster son from the circumstances and danger surrounding Jesus’ birth. Joseph could have refused to involve himself but […]

St Joseph, model for Christian Living
If you need a hammer to fix a nail that’s sticking out of your table, you just take the hammer and use it. A good hammer does what it is meant to do and you hardly notice that you’ve used it. We celebrate St Joseph on the 19th of this month. St Joseph, I think, […]

Josephites Re-unite Towards the end of August several hundred Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart and Sisters of St Joseph of Nazareth assembled in Whanganui to celebrate their coming together as one religious congregation. The two congregations shared a common origin and were separated in 1876 when the bishop of the Diocese of […]

With Blessed Joseph her Spouse
In this Year of Faith we are celebrating 50 years since the opening of the second Vatican Council. One of the things that John XXIII (Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli) did to ensure the success of the Council was to put it under the patronage of St Joseph. In doing this he would have been aware of […]

The Man with the Flowers
A Story by Michelle O’Neill I was four when it happened. I was woken from sleep one night by something crashing against a wall. My baby brother George started crying and then I heard my mother’s voice screaming “No, No, No!” My father shouted “Are you crazy? You nearly hit me. You’re frightening the baby. […]

St Joseph, Mainstay of Families
One of the invocations in the Litany of St Joseph that strikes a chord for me is St Joseph, Mainstay of Families, pray for us. We look in the Scripture and find precious little about St Joseph, but what little there is, is precious. He links Jesus to Israel .When he accepts Mary’s baby as […]

St Joseph and the Three Ps
In early October 2012 the Church marked the 50th anniversary of the start of the Second Vatican Council. The occasion saw the publishing of a number of books about that Council and a reviewer in the London Tablet suggested that those interested would do well to read the Council Documents again before tackling anything else […]
Saturday 4 August
St John Vianney, CurE´ of Ars. Influential in Suzanne Aubert’s early life Ps 69; Jeremiah 26: 11-16, 24; Matthew 14:1-12 For the sick Would the death of John the Baptist be the most infamous of beheadings? What an ignominious death! Could we pray to St John Vianney and St John the Baptist that they will […]

January Saints
Saint Fulgentius (468-533) Born in Africa of a senatorial family, Fulgentius was at an early age appointed procurator of his province at Carthage. At the age of twenty-two, he resolved to embrace monastic life and was accepted into a monastery, renouncing all his goods on behalf of his mother and younger brother. He suffered much […]