A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘spirituality’

Opening up to God

“Out of his infinite glory, may he give you the power through his Spirit for your hidden self to grow strong, so that Christ may live in your hearts through faith, and then, planted in love and built on love, you will with all the saints have the strength to grasp the breadth and the […]

Talking About Spirituality Today: 10

Five Gospel Loves: e] Community and Solitude We come to the fifth and final Gospel love: community and solitude. Community Our human needs and desires are part of a larger pattern in life. Consider the two forces that hold the universe together: contraction and expansion. The force of gravity keeps everything in place. Without that […]

Talking about spirituality today – 8 – Ministry and Leisure

Five Gospel Loves: Ministry and Leisure We have discussed self-acceptance/self-denial and prayer/humour. We come to the third Gospel love – ministry and leisure. Ministry ‘Ministry’ is used here not to describe those with public roles in the Church’s life – priests, religious or ‘lay’ ministers. The word denotes the other side of the universal call […]

Tuesday 18 June

2 Cor 8:1-9, Ps 146, Matthew 5:43-48 The Lord protects the stranger. God’s love is revealed in the words, attitudes and actions of human beings. This love is revealed to all, regardless of ethnicity, geography, spirituality, wealth. Throught out New Zealand, thousands of men and women are Volunteer Fire Fighters. At the sound of the […]

Talking About Spirituality Today: – 5

Retrieving the Biblical view of the human person – a helpful approach? So far, in talking about spirituality today and, specifically, Christian spirituality what has stood out? The spiritual quest engages the whole person. Further, it is not ‘one size fits all’ but rather a personal project that is somehow shared yet unique. It demands […]


4. Christian Spirituality and the Trinity In the last article, we explored spirituality in relation to the Christian mystery. We saw that it is a deepening friendship – with the Father, through the Son, in the Spirit. The spiritual quest is one driven by God’s gift of himself. Jesus wants to “share his joy…to the […]

Talking With Mary

We pray to Mary .  The Hail Mary is the most concise, all-embracing prayer one could dream up, and the Rosary enshrines an unparalleled expression of communal devotion. But do we ever talk with Mary? Her life has so many features in it that correspond to our own that we can bring it into our […]

Talking about spirituality today: 3

Spirituality and the Christian Message 1911 was a landmark in the spiritual tradition– certainly in the English speaking world. The Anglican writer and spiritual guide, Evelyn Underhill, published a significant book Mysticism: a study in the nature and development of Man’s spiritual consciousness. Since then, the study has gone through at least 12 editions. Between […]

Talking about Spirituality Today: What’s Happening

1.‘Spiritual but not religious’? –  What’s happening? In 1997, Michael Downey cites a USA Gallup survey. It forecast that between 1987 and 2010, the largest sales in non-fiction books would be in the category of religion and spirituality. In 2003 in Australia, David Tacey spoke of the ‘spirituality revolution.’  He sees this as a movement […]