Tag Archive for ‘Saint Catherine of Sweden’

March Saints
Saint Simplicius (d. 483) St. Simplicius was born in Tivoli and became pope in 468. His pontificate witnessed the fall of the Roman Empire in the West. In 476, the last emperor of the Western Empire was deposed, and Odoacer the Goth became the first king of Italy. Simplicius opposed Monophysitism, which held that Jesus possessed […]

March Saints
Saint Luigi Orione (1872-1940) St Luigi Orione was born at Pontecurone, Italy, in 1872 and displayed a remarkable piety at a very young age. When he was thirteen, he entered the Franciscan Friary of Voghera, but he left after one year because of poor health. In October 1886, Luigi went to St John Bosco in […]