Tag Archive for ‘Rome’
Luther’s Example Instructive?
Martin Luther, the German Augustinian monk who rebelled against Rome and sparked the European Reformation is best known for his famous 95 theses which he may or may not have nailed on the door of the Wittenberg Cathedral. He is less known for his brilliantly successful translation of the Bible into German which became the […]
On Whatever Distant Shore
Fr Jean-Claude Colin sm The quiet boy from Beaujolais The tiny hamlet of Barbery sits by a forest near the Beaujolais region of central France. Here on Aug 08, 1790 Jean-Claude Colin was born, happily unaware of the fierce Revolution raging about him. He was soon to be orphaned, not by violence but through the […]
St Mary MacKillop – a true Australian
For the pilgrims from the Antipodes in the Eternal City for the canonization of their own Mary MacKillop, the final act of their three days of celebration was the Thanksgiving Mass in St Paul’s Outside-the-Walls, October 19, 2010. The vast nave of the basilica, enshrining the bones of the Apostle to the Gentiles, was filled […]