Tag Archive for ‘relationships’

Broken Relationships – What Do You Say?
A good friend recently lost her adult son very suddenly. Even though he had been ill and was receiving treatment, the illness was not terminal. He was not expected to die, so his death was a total shock to the family. I tried calling my friend to offer sympathy and to ask about funeral services. […]
Tuesday 5 November
Romans 12:5-16; Psalm 131; Luke 14:15-24 Rejection of God’s Kingdom The Father’s love for us is so strong that he passionately desires that we enter his kingdom by following his son Jesus. The parable communicates this passion of God for us by talking of a king who was enraged by the indifference of so many […]
Friday 1 March
Ecclesiasticus 6:5-17; Psalm 119:12, 16, 18, 27, 34-35; Mark 10:1-12. Abiding in love Abiding friendships and lasting marriages are some of the greatest gifts we can receive in life. We all value them and see in them a reflection of the life of heaven. Many people, however, do not have relationships such as these for […]
Sunday 14 October
28th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Wisdom 7:7-11; Psalm 90; Hebrews 4:12-13; Mark 10:17-30 What Do I Value Most? We’re told in the Gospel that Jesus loved the rich man and wanted him to follow him – but that wasn’t enough. The rich man did not have the freedom to let go of his possessions and […]
Thursday 22 June
2 Corinthians 11:1-11; Psalm 111; Matthew 6:7-15 Prayer – to the point Jesus places before his disciples this wonderfully positive prayer. Short and to the point, it covers relationships with God, the Kingdom of God, nourishment and forgiveness. If Jesus can keep prayer positive and to the point, perhaps we can? Perhaps that is truly […]
Thursday 15 June
2 Corinthians 3:5-4:1, 3-6; Psalm 85; Matthew 5:20-26 Shine in darkness We are asked to reflect on how quickly we can hurt those around us. Too easily our words directed towards others can darken and destroy relationships. We are called to be reconciled, ‘Let light be shining out in darkness.’ Make friends rather than enemies. […]
Tuesday 30 May
Acts 20:17-27; Ps 68; John 17:1-11 They may be one as We are one As science is revealing to us more and more about the unfolding of the universe and the interdependence of all of creation, we are becoming increasingly more aware of the need for developing right relationships. We hear Jesus pray to the […]
Sunday 12 February
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Ecclesiasticus 15:16-21; Psalm 119A; 1 Corinthians 2:6-10; Matthew 5:17-37 Being reconciled Conflict is a common part of our human relationships. Jesus teaches that conflict is not resolved by exacting justice. An eye for an eye does not produce a peaceful outcome. Rather, reconciliation is achieved by a willingness to engage […]
Monday 18 April
Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42; John 10:1-10 A living community of believers The early believers had great difficulties in working out their relationships with non-Jews. Peter helped them to see, through his own experiences, that the Holy Spirit was guiding them to a new and deeper understanding of what the ‘community of believers’ meant. Guided by […]
Saturday 17 January
St Anthony, Abbot Hebrews 4:12-16, Ps.19B, Mark 2:13-17 Dinner with Jesus The dinner table is where we enjoy, develop and strengthen our human relationships. It’s where we have our best and most intimate conversations. What would it be like to have dinner with Jesus? Why not make that the imaginary setting for your today’s prayer […]