Tag Archive for ‘presence’
Tuesday 17 July
Isaiah 7:1-9; Psalm 48; Matthew 11:20-24 God establishes the city forever Our readings today paint a bleak picture. The prophet Isaiah reflects on the struggles to unite the lands which we know today as the Holy Land. In Matthew’s gospel we read of Jesus lamenting that the people of the cities which he had so […]
Wednesday 27 June
2 Kings 22:8-13,23:1-3, Psalm 119H, Matthew 7:15-20 Discernment What is true and what is false? This is the question Jesus leaves with us today, and today we answer it with our understanding of human nature. As far as I’m concerned, the false prophet is one who projects human ideas on God, and makes God too […]

Who Are You, Jesus?
5. Learning from The Velveteen Rabbit ‘What is REAL?’ asked the Rabbit one day. ‘Real isn’t how you are made,’ said the Skin Horse. ‘It’s a thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real.’ Let’s […]