A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘prayer’

Friday 26 July

Sts Joachim and Anne,parents of Mary Ecclesiasticus 44:1, 10-15; Psalm 132; Matthew 13:16-17 Links between the generations Many of our schools celebrate the feast of Joachim and Anne as ‘Grandparents’ Day’. It is quite wonderful to see the many ways this day has grown in popularity within our schools. Likewise our Masses of Anointing – […]

A School for Prayer (23)

Spiritual Guidance (2 of 5) The ancient tradition of the spiritual life By Fr Craig  Larkin SM, 1943 – 2015 The ‘Abba’ in the Desert Tradition From the beginning, the ministry of spiritual accompaniment or guidance belonged not to the hierarchic organization of the Church, but to the prophetic or “charismatic” part of the Church. […]

Thursday 20 June

2 Corinthians 11:1-11; Psalm 111; Matthew 6:7-15 The Our Father When Jesus teaches his disciples about prayer, he suggests that they pray about three things. Firstly, their prayer is about honouring the glory of God. Hallowed be thy name. Then there is the recognition of their dependence on God’s providence. Give us today our daily […]

Wednesday 19 June

2 Corinthians 9:6-11; Psalm 112; Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18 God knows God knows you. God created you and formed you before you were born. God chose you and loves you. God desires you and delights in you, just as you are. God knows what is in your heart and in your prayer even before you show […]

Wednesday 5 June

ST BONIFACE BISHOP, MARTYR Acts 20:28-38; Psalm 68; John 10:11-19 Jesus’ prayer for his disciples John’s gospel records Jesus’ prayer for us and for his disciples. His prayer is that we may be united with him and with the Father. Being one with him and with the Father does not mean that we be removed […]

Sunday 2 June

THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD Acts 1:1-11; Ephesians 1:17-23; Psalm 47; Luke 24:46-53 Being blessed In his final action while on Earth before he ascended to his Father in heaven, Jesus blessed his disciples. The disciples in turn worshipped him and then went joyfully to the Temple praising God. Today is one of those special […]

June Saints

Pope St John XXIII (1881-1963) Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli was born at Sotto il Monte, Italy. He entered the Bergamo junior seminary in 1892. It was there that he began making spiritual notes and undertaking regular spiritual direction. In 1897 he made his profession as a Secular Franciscan. From 1901 to 1905 he studied at the […]

Saturday 11 May

Acts 9:31-42; Psalm 116:12-17; John 6:60-69 Talking to God Do we sometimes feel like the disciples at Capernaum? Is it time? What is there for me? Praying seems dry. So, we pray out of duty, by rote. It can help if we have a second language, Te Reo, Spanish, Korean perhaps, to translate familiar prayers […]

Sunday 5 May

THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER Acts 5:27-32, 40-41, Psalm 30; Apocalypse 5:11-14; John 21:1-19 Loving prayer Jesus often discussed everyday subjects. Fishing, food, sheep, bread, wine. Our everyday lives interest him. We needn't wait for supernatural experiences before praying. When Jesus asked Peter three times, “do you care for me, love me, above everything else?”, he […]

A School for Prayer (21)

Mind-in-the-heart Prayer  By Fr Craig  Larkin SM, 1943 – 2015 Hesychastic Prayer in the Eastern Church (2) A spirituality of the ‘heart’ in Christian tradition As far back as the time of the Desert Fathers, the question was raised: “Where does prayer take place? In the mind? In the heart? Or somewhere else?” Evagrius of […]