Tag Archive for ‘Pope Pius XII’

Marist Messenger 1948 – 1958
This article aims to convey something of the spirit and ‘flavour’ of the magazine while Fr Kevin McGrath continued as editor. 1948 March The first American Superior General of the Society of Mary, Fr Alcime Cyr SM, “now spiritual father of 1,500 Members of the Society of Mary throughout the world”, was elected. June Fr […]

Eugenio by Name, Pius by Choice (2)
By the age of eighteen, Eugenio had entered the seminary in Rome to train as a priest. The routines of seminary life were time-honoured and fruitful, involving study, prayer and various kinds of recreation. The manual of the time states the purpose of seminary formation: ‘The student needs to acquire the manners and personal habits […]

Eugenio by Name, Pius by Choice (1)
Eugenio Pacelli, Pope Pius XII, is a towering papal figure. His image is iconic. But what went before the image? The child, the boy, the young man? There are many photographs of Eugenio’s early life. What do we see? As the child, so the man, maybe — timidity, innocence, intelligence, sensitivity, early intentionality. Do his […]