Tag Archive for ‘Pope Francis’

Jesus Heals the Bleeding Woman
Today in the Gospel (cf. Mark 5:21-43) Jesus encounters our two most dramatic situations, death and disease. However, in this period in which illness is still at the centre of the news, we will focus on the healing of the woman. More than her health, her affections were compromised. Why? She had blood loss and […]

Pope Francis – a Son of St Ignatius
Several interviewers have asked how Pope Francis’ Jesuit background and training have influenced his pontificate. The answer is that it is impossible to separate Francis from his Ignatian Spiritualty and his membership of the Society of Jesus. When the Pope was interviewed by Fr Antonio Spadaro SJ, and asked, “Who is Jorge Mario Bergoglio?” he […]

Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ
Saint Paul wrote, “Because there is one bread, we who are many are one body” (1 Corinthians 10:17). We are a community nourished by the body and blood of Christ. Communion with the body of Christ is an effective sign of unity, of communion, of sharing. One cannot participate in the Eucharist without committing oneself […]

On praying with the Scriptures
On praying with the Scriptures The words of Sacred Scripture were not written to remain imprisoned on papyrus, parchment or paper, but to be received by a person who prays, making them blossom in his or her heart. The Word of God goes to the heart. The Catechism affirms that: “prayer should accompany the reading […]

Pope Francis and the Pandemic
This issue’s cover shows Jesus alone in his agony in the garden. It is a striking image of the Lord’s pain and sorrow, and also a stark symbol of the agony, pain and sorrow of each and every one of us. Jesus embodies our pain, our pain is his, and his is ours, because as […]

The grace of God has appeared
Extracts from the Pope’s homily at Midnight Mass, 24 December 2019 The grace of God, “bringing salvation to all” (Titus 2:11), has shone on our world this night. But what is this grace? It is divine love, the love that changes lives, renews history, liberates from evil, fills hearts with peace and joy. Tonight the […]

Healing the World
Extracts from the Pope’s catechesis on healing the world In the face of the pandemic and its social consequences, many risk losing hope. In this time of uncertainty and anguish, I invite everyone to welcome the gift of hope that comes from Christ. It is he who helps us navigate the tumultuous waters of sickness, […]

Mission Sunday 2020 – A Reason to Give Thanks
Recently, I met a person who openly declares that he is an atheist. My only question to him was, “Do you believe in goodness?” And without hesitation he answered in the positive, to which I promptly replied, “That goodness comes from someone!” I did not want to dispute his belief. Rather, I just wanted to […]

A reflection on the prayer of Jacob
An edited version of the Pope’s catechesis One day Jacob hears the call of home. He sets out, undertaking a long journey until he reaches the final step, the Jabbok stream. Here the Book of Genesis (32: 23-33) describes that the patriarch Jacob, after having all of his people and all the livestock cross the […]

In praise of Pope St John Paul II
On 18 May, Pope Francis celebrated Mass in the chapel housing John Paul II’s tomb inside St. Peter’s Basilica to mark the centenary of his predecessor’s birth. Today, we can say that 100 years ago, the Lord visited his people. He sent a man, he prepared him to be a bishop, and to guide the […]