Tag Archive for ‘parenting’

The Blessing of Grandchildren
When my husband and I were dating, we would often take long walks around a local park, and fantasise about our future together. We had little money for much of anything else other than these lovely walks and endless conversations about our future life as a couple. Our dreams were a vital part of our […]
Thursday 9 August
Jeremiah 31:31-34; Psalm 51; Matthew 16:13-23 Who do you say I am? Human beings are complex. We are all the sum total of our genetic structures, our life experiences, personalities, the parenting we received, our cultural and religious backgrounds. Each of us is a blend of dark and light, sin and grace, humanity and divinity, […]

“Will you walk a little faster…?”
An extract from an article by Peter and Mary Bret There was a time when parents were supreme beings-at least in the eyes of their children. Today, it seems many parents have reneged-they give their children their head, whilst they themselves wait around to pick up the pieces. The pendulum seems to have taken an […]