A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘Our Lady’

Pilgrimage 2012

Our Lady of Kapiti, St Patrick’s Parish Paraparaumu February 12, 2012 Every year on or around the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes (Feb 11) the parishioners of St Patrick’s, Paraparaumu, near Wellington NZ, walk in pilgrimage from their church up a nearby hill to honour Mary in her apparitions in Lourdes in 1858. They […]

Catholic Devotions

The Rosary and the Scapular – a Brief History “The Rosary and the Scapular are inseparable.” Our Lady to Lucia Santos at Fatima in 1917. When Our Lady appeared to Lucia Santos at Fatima in October 1917, she carried the Rosary in one hand and the Brown Scapular in the other, signifying their importance and […]

February Crossword by ‘Max’

The winner of the November Crossword (17 entries,15 correct solutions) was Fr Kevin Head sm of Wellington. December Solution Across: 1 Easy, 3 Slapdash, 9 Our Lady, 10 April, 11 Canonisation, 14 Sap, 16 Op art, 17 Ent, 18 Foster-mother, 21 Limbo, 22 Tremble, 23 Penitent, 24 Stun. Down: 1 Exorcism, 2 Siren, 4 Lay, […]

Sunday 1 January

Mary Mother Of God Numbers 6:22-27; Ps 67,Galatians 4:4-7; Luke 2:16-21 “Holy Mary, Mother of God” Today the Church celebrates the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. It’s probably true that people have always honoured the mothers of newborn babies with offerings of love, visits, gifts and practical assistance. Today is just such a special […]

Jesus’ Mother lived by faith

This article was prompted by an earlier article on what Jesus knew. Scripture writer Brother Kieran gives a scholarly reflection on what Jesus and Mary knew. One of the great challenges presented to the Gospel reader today is to look beyond the literal level of the text to see the meaning below the text.  This […]

December Saints

Saint Barbara (c. 235) Saint Barbara was brought up by a pagan father, Dioscorus, who kept her secluded in a lonely tower where this very gifted woman undertook to study religion and became a Christian. When she was of an age to marry, she refused every suitor’s demands. On finding all the pagan idols he […]