Tag Archive for ‘mother’
Saturday 20 January
2 Samuel 1:1-4, 11-12, 17, 19, 23-27; Psalm 80; Mark 3:20-21 A worry for Jesus’ relatives He is creating a fuss isn’t he? Jesus has selected twelve apostles and now everybody is thronging around him. Such was the chaos that even his family was seriously concerned. His relatives describe him as “out of his mind,” […]
Wednesday 22 November
St Cecilia 2 Maccabees 7:1, 20-31; Psalm 17; Luke 19:11-28 A mother’s example There’s grim reading in the extract today from 2 Maccabees. A mother and seven sons are put to death for not reneging on their Jewish faith. The mother is a tower of strength, encouraging each son to stand firm. She reminds each […]
Saturday 14 October
Joel 4:12-21; Psalm 97; Luke 11:27-28 Blessedness Jesus deepens our understanding of blessedness. The mother of Jesus calls each of us to blessedness by both hearing the word of God, pondering this word in our hearts and then living this word with all that we are. Blessedness isn’t inherited but personally lived out amidst our […]
Wednesday 11 October
Jonah 4: 1-11; Psalm 86; Luke 11:1-4 Prayer Prayer is really our primary speech, the most real communication we have. We learn to pray not by instruction so much as seeing others pray and then having a go ourselves. One of my earliest memories of prayer is seeing my mother pray, kneeling by their bed. […]
Wednesday 23 August
Judges 9:6-15; Psalm 21; Matthew 20:1-16 In praise of generosity Today, my mother would have celebrated her 107th birthday. She died aged 89, and had been my mother for 58 years. Mothers make many sacrifices for their children. Hours and cost are not part of their reckoning. Families are the Lord’s favourite vineyards, with a […]
Tuesday 22 August
The Queenship of Mary Judges 6:11-24; Psalm 85; Luke 1:26-30 Living the ‘yes’ Mary’s ‘yes’ to the angel’s message changed her life forever. As mother of Jesus, she would become mother of all who follow her Son. Her royal stature reflects not merely the greatness of her privilege, but the dignity and faithfulness with which […]
Sunday 20 August
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Isaiah 56:1, 6-7; Psalm 67; Romans 11:13-15, 29-32; Matthew 15:21-28 Love never gives up A woman pestered Jesus to the point where he went beyond his brief and gave in to her request. She was not ‘of the House of Israel’ for which Jesus had been sent. Her perseverance brought […]
Saturday 5 August
Leviticus 25:1, 8-17; Psalm 66; Matthew 14:1-12 Prize for a dance Captivated by her dancing, Herod promised Salome whatever she wished. Her gruesome choice came at the bidding of her mother, and John the Baptist’s life came to an end. God of my every moment, guide the choices I make and the advice I accept. […]
Friday 19 May
Acts 15:22-31; Psalm 57: John 15:12-17 I have chosen you Speaking metaphorically of God as being a mother bird using her wings to protect her young, the psalmist recognises God's steadfast love, and contentedly takes refuge in the shadow of God's wings. Jesus assures us that he has chosen us because he loves us and […]
Wednesday 29 March
Isaiah 49:8-15; Psalm 145; John 5:17-30 God’s love ‘Can a woman forget the baby at her breast?’ (Isaiah 49:15). We cannot comprehend a love greater than that of a mother for her baby. Yet we know that God’s love is even greater. To be loved is our greatest human need. Human love, with all its […]