A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘ministry’

Sunday 25 September

26th Week in Ordinary Time Amos 6:1,4-7, Ps 146, 1 Timothy 6:11-16, Luke 16:19-31 Binding and loosing The disciple is again reminded that it is the poor who make present Christ’s judgment in the world. Within the lives of the poor is exercised a hidden ministry of binding and loosing. The rich man is sent […]

Tuesday 5 July

Hosea 8:4-7, 11-13; Ps 115; Matthew 9:32-38 God will protect and save us Our Lord’s ministry as a healer was demonstrated on many levels: physical, for example, by curing leprosy, restoring sight and even destroying death; spiritual, by driving out evil spirits. He shows he understands the burden evil places on us (he even had […]

Friday 1 July

Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time Amos 8:4-6, 9-12; Ps 119A; Matthew 9:9-13 I come not to call the righteous but sinners Christ’s ministry as a healer – of minds, bodies and souls – sets an example to us. We are blessed with the gift of faith that enables us to see this – though the […]

Wednesday 18 May

James 4:13-17, Ps 49, Mark 9:38-40 Not one of us John lets Jesus know that some ‘unknown’ people are working miracles. Oh dear! How concerned Jesus must have been. John just didn’t get it. Jesus explains it’s okay for others to share in his ministry to bring about the reign of God even if they […]

Tuesday 23 February

Saint Polycarp Isaiah 1:10, 16-20, Ps.50, Matthew 23:1-12 Humility When Richie McCaw retired and Jonah Lomu died, the adjective most used to describe them was “humble.” The importance of humility, and the damning effects of its lack, feature prominently in Our Lord’s teaching ministry. Humility puts everything in perspective. It is to understand who we […]

Friday 13 February

Genesis 3:1-8; Psalm: 32; Mark 7:31-37 A new creation In eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil humankind chose to be like gods usurping God’s sovereignty as Creator. God’s creation becomes tainted by corruption. In contrast, Jesus’ healing ministry inspires wonderment and thanksgiving. The admiration of the crowd for […]

Monday 9 February

Genesis 1:1-19; Psalm: 104; Mark 6:53-56 Newness in Christ God created heaven and earth; and what God made was, indeed, good. By his ministry of healing, Jesus makes good again all that is unhealthy and broken in body, mind and spirit. In him, all things are made new; all things are blessed with fecundity. Like […]

Tuesday 3 February

Hebrews 12:1-4; Psalm: 22; Mark 5:21-43 Example of Christ Our focus must be firmly on Christ who brings our faith to its perfection. In moments of doubt and weakness we are to take courage, remembering the example of Christ. He was innocent but endured the cross showing us how we must stand defiant against all […]

Sunday 11 January

The Baptism of the Lord Isaiah 42:1-4,6-7, Ps.29, Acts 10:34-38, Mark 1:7-11 Beloved “You are my beloved son …”. Our Lord’s public ministry began with his Father telling him how much he loved him. Jesus needed to hear that. How much more so do we? The basis of our Christian faith is the knowledge, the […]

Friday 19 September

1 Cor 15: 12-20; Psalm 17; Luke 8: 1-3 All sorts There was variety among the apostles … four fishermen, a tax collector, a terrorist, a couple of the Lord’s cousins. There was a similar variety among the women whom the Lord drew into ministry. The Magdalene had been a deeply wounded woman. Joanna was […]