A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘mercy’

Saturday 3 March

Micah 7:14-15, 18-20; Psalm 103:1-4, 9-12; Luke 15:1-3, 11-32 The Lord is kind and merciful Today’s readings celebrate the loving mercy of God. In the story of the two sons, Jesus teaches us that our Father will never abandon us even when we abandon him. He’s always out looking for us to come to our […]

Thursday 1 March

SECOND WEEK OF LENT Jeremiah 17:5-10; Psalm 1:1-4,6; Luke 16:19-31 Happy are they who hope in the Lord The Prophet Jeremiah and the parable of the rich man remind and challenge us to make sure that the compass of our heart is set on Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life. The rich man […]

Monday 6 November

Romans 11:29-36; Psalm 69; Luke 14:12-14. God is SO generous Paul tells the Romans that everything that exists comes from God. I know that, but how often do I stop and remember? What is the greatest gift God has given me? My life? My friends? My family? A sunny day? Perhaps it is God’s mercy […]

Thursday 2 November

All Souls Day Wisdom 4:7-15; Psalm 27; Romans 5:5-11; Mark 15:33-39, 16:1-6 For all who have died One day each of us will be listed among ‘all the Faithful Departed.’ We’re bound for heaven! A reality check tells us, though, we will probably need some tidying up before we stand before our God. Today we […]

Saturday 5 August

Leviticus 25:1, 8-17; Psalm 66; Matthew 14:1-12 Prize for a dance Captivated by her dancing, Herod promised Salome whatever she wished. Her gruesome choice came at the bidding of her mother, and John the Baptist’s life came to an end. God of my every moment, guide the choices I make and the advice I accept. […]

Tuesday 1 August

Memorial of St Alphonsus Liguori Exodus 33:7-11, 34:5-9, 28; Psalm 103; Matthew 13:36-43 Kind and merciful The Lord is kind and merciful – is our response to today’s Responsorial Psalm. Very fitting as we honour St Alphonsus Liguori, who founded the Redemptorists to bring the Good News of Jesus to the poor and most abandoned. […]

Thursday 27 July

Exodus 19:1–2,9–11,16–20; Dan 3:52-56; Matthew 13:10–17 Speaking in parables To the disciples ‘it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven.’ They have responded to this gift given them by God. Faith is a gift. As yet, the eager crowd are not at that point, explains Jesus, so to them he […]

Monday 17 July

Exodus 1:8–14,22; Psalm 124; Matthew 10:34–11:1 The bottom line The family divisions and betrayals described in the mission discourse were part of the communal experience of early Christians and were to be expected because of the choice to follow Jesus. Total attachment to Jesus was the bottom line. In both similar and different ways, this […]

Wednesday 12 July

Genesis 41:55–57; 42:5–7,17–24; Psalm 33; Matthew 10:1–7 Jesus and mission The discourse of Matthew 10 is about mission as an expression of divine mercy. Mercy is at the heart of Jesus’ alternative community, the new people of God. Before the twelve disciples are named, Jesus gave them authority over unclean spirits and to heal every […]

Tuesday 11 July

ST. BENEDICT Genesis 32:23–33; Psalm 17; Matthew 9:32–38 Compassion for them The healing cycle ends with blind men crying out for Jesus to have mercy on them and the healing of a demoniac who is mute. Jesus had compassion on the crowds for they were like sheep without a shepherd. The word for compassion means […]