A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘mercy’

Thursday 2 May

St Athanasius Acts 5:27-33; Psalm 34; John 3:31-36 A better world Today's message, that we must obey God, rather than any human authority, is clear. So much legislation, and local body by-laws proposed for public discussion, are dubious. Abortion, euthanasia, liberal drug use – are some proposals. What does God want for his people? We […]

The Problem of Sin and God

Is sin a problem for God? NO!  No, sin is not a problem to God in the sense that He cannot cope with it, cannot overcome the difficulty that sin presents – not to Him but to us, the ones who sin. Even the Old Testament recognised that God could and did deal very effectively […]

Saturday 30 March

Hosea 5:15-6:6; Psalm 51; Luke 18:9-14. Being humble Pride can take many forms, from being conceited and judgemental to denying our own weaknesses and mistakes. An honest and balanced humility, on the other hand, involves having a realistic understanding of who we are before God. We are people who have weaknesses but are loved by […]

Tuesday 26 March

Daniel 3:25, 34-43; Psalm 25; Matthew 18:21-35 Forgiven and forgiving Repentance and mercy should go hand in hand. If we are truly sorry for our sins, the Lord will forgive us. His forgiveness should act as a lesson to us. What we have received from the Lord we should in turn pass on to others. […]

Monday 4 February

Hebrews 11:32-40; Psalm 31; Mark 5:1-20 The wonders of God’s love The horde of demons that inhabited the Gerasene demoniac were no match for the power of God’s love in Christ. Those who witnessed the exorcism and its aftermath were afraid and amazed, and asked our Lord to go away. The man who had been […]

Thursday 31 January

ST JOHN BOSCO Hebrews 10:19-25; Psalm 23 (24):1-6; Mark 4:21-25 The Lamp It takes one small candle to break the deepest darkness. God wants us to shine in the darkness so people can see convincing signs of hope, love, justice and mercy with their own eyes. If God asks this of us, he will give […]

Wednesday 30 January

Hebrews 10:11-18; Psalm 109 (110):1-4; Mark 4:1-20 The Seed The seed continues to be sown today. Our hearts are the soil that receives the seed of God’s word of love and mercy. Soil can be good, bad or indifferent. But soil can be improved: stones can be cleared, weeds removed, compost dug in, fences erected. […]

Tuesday 22 January

Hebrews 6:10-20; Psalm 110 (111):1-2, 4-5, 9, 10; Mark 2:23-28 Hope Hope is a gift from God. It sustains us in confusion and apparent failure. It calls us forward when we are weary and despondent. When we trust we are freed to love. Hope is indeed the anchor of the soul, and the stormy waves […]

Monday 24 December

2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8-12, 14, 16; Psalm 88 (89):2-5, 27, 29; Luke 1:67-79 God visiting us The prayer of Spirit-filled Zachariah, known as the Benedictus, begins and ends with God ‘visiting’ the people (1:68, 78). Reference to God visiting can imply judgement, but not here. Dawn and light will come ‘by the tender mercy of […]

Friday 7 December

St. Ambrose Isaiah 29:17-24; Psalm 26 (27):1, 4, 13-14; Matthew 9:27-31 A transforming action Matthew’s cycle of healing stories (Chapters 8-9) climax with the healing of two blind men. Their crying, ‘Have mercy on us,’ is not a call for pity or about a healing only. It is about transforming action which opens up a […]