A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘Mary’

Tuesday 15 August

The Assumption of Mary Patronal Feast for Aotearoa New Zealand Apocalypse 11:19; 12:1-6, 10; Psalm 45B; 1 Corinthians 15:20-26; Luke 1:39-56 Humility and grace How fitting that Mary, the one chosen as the mother of our Redeemer, the Christ of God, should be gifted the fruits of our redemption from the moment of her conception, […]

Mary in August

Traditionally, the woman clothed with the sun is identified with Mary, the glorious Mother of the Son of the most high God, she who has been crowned Queen of heaven and earth. As well, one of Mary’s titles is ‘Ark of the Covenant,’ because she is Theotokos, the ‘God-bearer,’ the one in whom God lived on earth.

Mary and the Reformation (5) – Martin Luther (1483 – 1546) Part 2

Luther preserved a warm piety towards the Virgin Mary, accepting the traditional doctrines, from ‘Mother of God,’ to her virginity and sinlessness.

Mary and the Reformation (3)

Zwingli – Part 2 For Zwingli, father of the Reformation in Switzerland, Mary’s exemption from sin was a major reason to sing her praises. ‘Since the beginning of the world’ she alone of all women conceived her Son without transmitting to him ‘the human weakness that we all bring with us from Adam.’ Zwingli uses […]

Mary and the Reformation (2) Zwingli Part 1

Crying for Reform To mark the 500th anniversary of the Reformation it is important to consider one of its most important controversies, that which swirled around the figure of Mary. It does no good to evade the catastrophic decline in church discipline and theological teaching in the Catholicism of the fifteenth century and the papacies […]

God’s Plan of Life for Us

Jesus and Mary: One Together As long as God has been God – and that is without any beginning, eternally – he has desired that we human creatures should also be his children. Since the Fall, the gift of God comes to us only through Christ, through ‘being born from above,’ as Jesus said to […]

A Reflection on Mary, Mother of God

There are at least eleven explicit and/or implicit references to Mary in the Gospel of Luke

Tuesday 18 April

Acts 2:36-41; Psalm 33; John 20:11-18 The pain of love The pain of Mary’s sorrow is easily understood, and her eyes were so blurred with tears that she failed to recognise the One she loved so much. As well, though, the Lord had changed. Mary had seen him dead, battered, bruised; now he was transformed. […]

Mary and the Reformation (1) – Erasmus

500 years ago Many things contributed to the breaking up of the Catholic Christian world of the Middle Ages: the Hundred Years War, the Black Death, the Western Schism, and the Islamic invasions. Humanism found a warm reception in Rome with the popes of the late 15th and early 16th centuries, all worldly men more […]

Monday 20 March

St Joseph, Husband of Mary 1 Samuel 7:4-5, 12-14, 16; Palm 89; Romans 4:13, 16-18, 22; Matthew 1:16, 18-21, 24 An under-rated saint? Joseph the carpenter, an under-rated saint? Even the title for his feast day suggests his only claim to sainthood is his being Mary’s husband. But he was much, much more than that. […]