Tag Archive for ‘Mary’
Sunday 18 December
Fourth Sunday of Advent 2 Samuel 7: 1-5, 8-12, 14, 16 Ps. 89, Romans 16: 25-27, Luke 1: 26-38 Mother of the secret Mary, Receiver of the secret kept hidden down the ages. Mary, Keeper of the secret pondering it in your heart.
Saturday 17 December
Third Week in Advent Genesis 49: 2, 8-10, Ps. 71, Matthew 1: 1-17 The pivot of history Mary,Was it a lion you bore in your womb? His roar echoing down the ages; descended of Judah, ready to defend his own Son of David inheriting an eternal home. You carried the seed that gave meaning to […]
Friday 16 December
Isaiah 56: 1-3, 6-8, Ps. 67, John 5: 33-36 House of prayer for all people Mary, Christ’s cathedral your body, God’s temple drawing all people into your mothering concern being God’s house of prayer. Were they preparing, the kings, for their long journey following a light like that of the Baptist?
Thursday 15 December
Isaiah 54: 1-10, Ps. 30, Luke 7: 24-30 Mother of the Bridegroom Mary, You bear my bridegroom the one who has chosen me; who chooses the unlikely; for his choosing is supremely free. He has promised to make me fruitful; to forever extend my tent; my descendants as stars, uncountable.
Wednesday 14 December
St John of the Cross Isaiah 45: 6-8, 18, 21-26, Ps. 85, Luke 7: 19-23 The Anointed One Mary, How is he, the Anointed One, growing in your womb? Soon he will fall on hard manger straw; bringing refreshing righteousness as dew refreshes the parched desert.
Tuesday 13 December
St Lucy V.M. Zephaniah 3: 1-2, 9-13, Ps. 34, Matthew 21: 28-32 The Warrior Mary, mother of the warrior. With his quiver of arrows, his strongly strung bow shooting destructive arrows at the wicked; shooting compassionate arrows at the just.
Monday 12 December
Numbers 24: 2-7, 15-17, Ps. 25, Matthew 21: 23-27 Star of Jacob Mary, mother of the star. Star of Jacob Star of Jerusalem Star for all people. Rise in your brilliance, carrying your staff; defender of those who gaze upward, who fix their eyes upon Yahweh putting their trust in his love.
Sunday 11 December
Third Sunday of Advent Isaiah 61: 1-2, 10-11, Ps. Luke 1: 46-54, 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-24, John 1: 6-8, 19-28 Mistress of the wardrobe Mary, carrying God’s wardrobe joy-filled garments containing; cloak of God’s justice his true glory reigning. Change from mourning garments. Hearts healed of our pain. Cling not to dark ways
Saturday 10 December
Ecclus 48: 1-4, 9-11, Ps. 80, Matthew 17: 10-13 Mother of the Prophet Mary, Mother of the Prophet. In your womb you carry the greatest greater than Elijah greater than Elisha. Happy were they that saw him.
Friday 9 December
Isaiah 48: 17-19, Ps. 1, Matthew 11: 16-19 Mary, Instrument Mary, heavenly instrument with which Yahweh plays a tune. Tune, to which we are invited to dance that may cause us to laugh or cry. Tune that I maybe learn the songs of daily burdens by the resistance I put against them. I need a […]