A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘Mary’

Mary for Today – Part 7

Mary plays a small but significant role in Matthew, principally in the infancy narrative. Questions were being asked about the origins of Jesus, his ancestry, his birthplace, his place in the Old Testament, and his parents. This Gospel attempts to answer such questions, firstly by placing Jesus deep within the Jewish tradition and as the […]

Wednesday 22 August

The Queenship of Mary Ps 32, Ezekiel 34:1-11; Matthew 20:1-16 Mary, Queen of Heaven “The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.” The first reading berates those shepherds who have neglected their sheep. The Lord says “I myself will look after and tend my sheep”. Is the Lord saying he will look […]

Wednesday 15 August

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ps 45B; Apoc 11:19;12:1-6,10; 1.Corinthians 15:20-26; Luke 1:39-56 Mary A beautiful passage in Luke’s gospel. Mary accepted God’s will, then she travelled to see her elderly cousin Elizabeth, who was expecting John, who was to be John the Baptist. As recorded, Mary and Elizabeth spoke from their hearts – […]

Mary for Today Part 5

The World Mary Lived In Her Feet on the Ground: Sociology and archaeology have given us so much in recent years in reconstructing the life of a woman in first century Israel. There is real value in trying to understand the meaning of Mary as a particular person with her own life to compose, not […]

Saturday 16 June 2012

Immaculate Heart of Mary ,Canticle of Samuel;:Isaiah 61: 9-11, Ps 92; Luke 2: 41-51 “Hail Mary full of grace” Just as the Sacred Heart opens us to his love, the Immaculate Heart of Mary opens us to her example of a perfect interior life, lived in complete obedience to God for love of him. Our […]

Mary for Today – Part 4

Compromise at Vatican II From Mediatrix to Model: No text could be written to satisfy both sides in Vatican II. The group that saw Mary in parallel with Christ (as type of Christ) continued to urge the definition of Mary as mediatrix or at least as mother of the church. The very title of the […]

Thursday 31 May

Visitation of the BVM Zephaniah 3:14-18, Canticle Isaiah, Luke 1:39-56 Renewed by love Love is intoxicating. It is an elixir more potent than any man-made concoction. It is more energising than a power station. It is a greater motivation than any jackpot. Love overcomes inertia and reluctance. It provides a connection stronger than super-glue. And […]

New Marist Laity Leader Commissioned

MM: What background do you bring to this job as Coordinator of the Third Order of Mary and Marian Mothers? Bev: I have been a Lay Marist since the early 1990’s when I was involved with a group fired with a Marist vision which actively reached out in evangelisation and mission. Some of us went […]

Mary for Today – Part 3

The Second Millennium Changing Times: Among the new factors emerging in the church of the second millennium was a growing legal system within church office, an increasingly severe penitential system, and an increasing remoteness from the risen Christ as a saving figure who was now turned into a stern and just judge. Eternal salvation was regarded […]

Tuesday 10 April

Easter Octave Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33; John 20:11-18 Magdalen’s path “Mary stayed outside… she stooped to look inside… she turned round… she went.” Mary Magdalene at first is fixed where she is. She had to adopt a different stance to come to a deeper faith. Next, she turns round, encounters Jesus and is then sent […]