A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘Mary’

Mary for Today: Mary in Culture: (1)

  Mary’s Social Setting Introduction I recently had a letter asking me about the relationship of Jesus and Mary within the socio-historical setting of their own world, first century Judaism. It made me think of the reality of Mary’s cultural world and the powerful question of Edward Schillebeeckx, “What have we done to Miryam of […]

Monday 21 March

Monday in Holy Week Isaiah 42:1-7, Ps 27, John 12:1-11 I am intuitive like Mary Mary loves Jesus. The suffering prophet loves God. Judas cannot love as well as these two. His sins tell of his greater love for the things of this world. His heart is untouched even by ‘the poor.’ He cannot ‘see’ […]

Wednesday 3 February

2 Sam.24:2, 9-17, Ps.32, Mark 6:1-16 The Humanity of Jesus Despite his growing reputation, the Nazarenes couldn’t believe in Jesus because he was, after all, just one of their local lads. He was Joe and Mary’s son. Worked in his Dad’s carpentry shop. Doesn’t this all show how truly human Jesus was and isn’t that […]

Tuesday 2 February

Presentation of the Lord Malachi 3:1-4, Hebrews 2:14-18, Ps.24, Luke 2:22-40 Trust in God How bewildering must have been the events of Christ’s conception, birth and presentation for Joseph and Mary, a young couple having their first baby. Mary is recorded as having “pondered” and “wondered” about it all. Simeon’s words to her were hardly […]

Mary for Today: – Mary and the Image of God (V)

As it Was:  We finished the last piece with the motherhood of the Spirit that was expressed in prayer: As the wings of doves over their nestling, And the mouths of their nestlings towards      their mouths, So also are the wings of the Spirit over my      heart. This motherhood image shifted […]

Friday 1 January

SOLEMNITY OF MARY, MOTHER OF GOD Day of Prayer for World Peace Numbers 6:22-27; Ps 67; Gal 4:4-7; Luke 2:16-21 Our Mother too The baby is named Jesus, which means Saviour, because this baby will save his people from their sins. We rejoice that Mary is the Mother of our Saviour God, and that on […]

Saturday 5th December

Is 30: 19-21 life is distressful and painful and it is also nourishing and rich; it is my true self lived out according to my lights. ‘This is the way, follow it.’ Then I know the Lord dresses my wounds and heals my bruises. Mt 9:35-10:1,6-8 the kingdom of God is already here and I […]

Mary for Today: Mary and the Image of God (IV) 

From Jesus to Mary: Medieval times left an image of divine severity that was countered by ultimate graciousness  and represented Mary as recipient of the sinner’s basic trust and affection.  Despite the abuses that led to such a perspective, late medieval Mariology demonstrates the capacity of female imagery to model the redemptive activity of God.  […]

Saturday 28 November

Cant. Daniel 3: 82-87; Daniel 7:15-27; Luke 21:34-36 Trust in God Don’t let anxiety and fear rule your life. Jesus again warns us of anxieties that can cause us to stray into sin. Anxiety can be a sign that we do not trust God enough. It is accompanied by fear. Fear of failure, fear of […]

Thursday 5 November

Ps 27; Romans 14:7-12; Luke 15:1-10 Jesus and Mary guide us The parables of the lost sheep and the housewife who has lost a coin. The shepherd and housewife want to retrieve their sheep and coin. They rejoice with friends and neighbours when they have found what they lost. Jesus likens their joy to that […]