Tag Archive for ‘Martin Luther King’
Saturday 21 July
Micah 2:1-5, Ps 13, Matthew 12:14-21 A gentle Lord In all his earthly life Jesus did nothing but good, yet even quite early on in his ministry it seems the authorities were out to destroy him. Why? I suppose his very existence, his popularity among the people, was reason enough. Despite his gentleness he was […]
Saturday April 16
Ezekiel 37:21-28, Canticle Jeremiah 31:10-13, John 11:45-56 Gather your people, O Lord Paraphrasing Martin Luther King, “with our faith, we will be able to transform the jangling discords of all people into a beautiful symphony.” This wasn’t just Martin Luther King’s dream. It is God’s dream. All three readings talk about gathering us. This doesn’t […]