A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘Marist’

Something Old – Something New

Part 4 of 7 A Possible Marist Integral Ecology  Part 3 The third of three Circles: ‘to act justly’ Framework 1. Circle 3: Mission in an Eco-Conscious World In our first article we reflected on ‘walking humbly with God’ [Micah 6:8] — personal holiness — the first of three inter-related, and inter-connected circles, for a possible Marist […]


Six Sisters of Mercy and a Marist priest from one family In the Celebrating 90 Years section of the July MM, it was mentioned on p. 41 that in the February 1942 issue, six daughters from the McDonnell family of Greymouth became Sisters of Mercy, a son became a Marist priest, the eighth wanted to […]

A Short History of the Marist Brothers – Part 1 of 4

The year 2017 marked 200 years since the foundation of the Marist Brothers at La Valla. 1816 marked 200 years since the foundation of the Society of Mary, the umbrella of our Marist Family of congregations, at Fourvière. And in 2013 we celebrated 175 years of Marist presence in the Pacific. This article and those […]

Māori and the Marists (2)

The MM is grateful to Archifacts, the magazine of the Archives and Records Association of New Zealand (ARANZ), to Theresa Graham, ARANZ president, and to Ken Scadden, for permission to reprint this article. Lettres Reçues d’Océanie Letters Received from Oceania In 2009 a series of 1,365 letters written in French by the early Marist missionaries […]

Marist Profiles

The simplicity and humility that marked his life was never dented, even when as a remarkably successful farmer

23 July 1816 : The Fourvière Pledge

  Fourvière – the beginnings and the end of the beginning Nothing is quite like the launching of a new and uncertain venture, in its unique turmoil of vision, passion, fear and risk. Dream and daring struggle with despair and failure. Yet the urgency is compelling, the challenge unrelenting. For Marcellin Champagnat, the Fourvière ceremony […]

Sunday 22 May

TRINITY SUNDAY Proverbs 8:22-31, Ps 8, Romans 5:1-5, John 16:12-15 Three together A childhood memory is a Marist explaining the Trinity to my St Pat’s Napier Standard One class. His visual aid shamrock had an immediate effect. We knew that like Patrick we could explain this matter of faith to anyone. A confidence soon lost! […]

Pä Maria Marist Spirituality Centre

The name ‘Pā Maria’ was offered to the Society of Mary by Mr Richard Puanaki in consultation with his family. Mr Puanaki, a longtime associate of the Marists who lives in Wairoa, provides the following explanation: “In addition to its well-known meaning of ‘stronghold’ or ‘fortress,’ Pā also means ‘to be touched by or come […]

Chronicle of Rapid Change for the Society of Mary

A Review The 125th Jubilee Magazine of the New Zealand Province of the Society of Mary is an absorbing read. It does not attempt to provide an overview of the history of the Society of Mary going back 176 years but rather focuses on the life of the Province over the last 25 years. Those […]

Inspiration From Our Pioneer Pacific Missionaries

A project I’m working on at the moment involves reading through the letters that the early Marist missionaries in the Pacific sent back to France between 1838 and 1854. These have been collected into 10 Volumes and published in French under the title “Lettres Reçues d’ Océanie”. There are 1373 of these letters, and they […]