A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘Marist history’

Marist Spirituality An Introduction – Part 3

Bugey Mountain Villages: 1825-29 A Contemporary Marist Writes “In the theology of the day, God was a demanding God of justice and atonement rather than a God of love and infinite mercy. The rigourist approach then in vogue in France was what Colin had learned at the seminary and one of its characteristics was either […]

The Cause of Fr Jean-Claude Colin

The work of Fr Jean Coste Fr Jean Coste SM gained his doctorate in theology at the Faculté Catholique in Lyons. In 1953 he went to Rome to begin higher studies in Scripture. He seemed set to begin a brilliant career as a biblical scholar, but in 1954, the Superior General of the Society of […]

The City of Lyons in Early Marist History (1)

The City of Lyons Early traces of settlement in the area of Lyons date from 12,000 BC. There is no evidence of continuous occupation until the Romans arrived, and the city was founded by Lucius Munatius Plancus in 43 BC. The first French martyrs, forty-eight of them, died for the faith on the hill of […]