Tag Archive for ‘Lectio Divina’

The Word was Made Flesh and Dwelt Amongst Us
For a Catholic, the personal desire to know God and the love of Jesus Christ through the habit of Lectio Divina should be matched by a desire to know and receive Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. The Mass is a time when Word and Sacrament come together in prayer. For the person taking up the […]

The Word was Made Flesh and Dwelt Amongst Us
Part 2 of 4 In revitalising old traditions of prayer, and perhaps sowing the seeds of new ones, it is good to remind ourselves about our Catholic understanding of God. If we are at the beginning of nourishing the roots of a new tradition around the practice of Lectio Divina this ought to be done […]

‘The Word was made Flesh and Dwelt Amongst Us’
Part 1 of 4 I was at a place recently where the Angelus was prayed daily. It took me back to my childhood education with the nuns and the habitual, holy nature of prayer which they instilled in me. Habits in a Catholic life are a comfort and can be of immense benefit to the […]

Lectio Divina
This traditional way of praying scripture has become popular in a number of Christian churches. I think it began in monasteries, where monks sat at their evening meal, listening to the reading of the day. When a verse or phrase had meaning for a monk, he would leave the table and take the words to […]

A School for Prayer (17)
Lectio Divina Chartreuse – Guigo the Carthusian By Fr Craig Larkin SM, 1943 – 2015 THE WEST: Guigo the Carthusian Guigo II was the 9th prior of the Grande Chartreuse, France. Little is known of him other than that he became prior of the monastery in 1174 and that after a few years in office […]

A School for Prayer (16) – Lectio Divina Subiaco
St Benedict Chartreuse Guigo the Carthusian By Fr Craig Larkin sm, 1943 – 2015 St Benedict was born in Nursia, Italy, around the year 480, the son of a noble family. He went to Rome to study; was repelled by the moral and political decay he saw there; gave up his studies, and went to […]