A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘kindness’

Tuesday 07 January

My faith feeds my hunger I am the hands and the eyes of God. If anyone and everything does not see God in me God’s plan will be less fulfilled [1 Jn 4:7-10]. I am the hands of God by acts of justice and peace [Psalm 71]; by acts of kindness when others have needs […]

Tuesday 29 October

Romans 8:18-25, Psalm 126, Luke 13:18-21 “What is the reign of God like? It is like the yeast a woman took and mixed in with three measures of flour, until it was leavened all through.” The reign of God – there are moments, sacred moments when you see God at work, when God’s presence is […]

Friday 24 February

Isaiah 58: 1-9; Psalm 51; Matthew 9: 14-15. My lament “Have mercy on me, God, in your kindness.” My sins have taken me away from my God, and yet, they bring me back to God because I seek his compassion for my weaknesses, his forgiveness for my sins. Only God can replace the emptiness that […]


I’m sure someone has said this to you – “that was very kind of you” It’s one of those phrases that trip off the tongue when we want to say thank you. I grew up with kindness. New Zealanders are kind people. Even if it doesn’t always feel that way because none of us are […]