A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘kindness’

Raising a Child with Social Values

“How do you raise a kid with values in a world where values seem to count for very little?” A soon-to-be father was admitting to me that he was feeling very uneasy about the world his son is shortly to be born into. Even in the relatively short time since he was a youngster, he […]

Thursday 14 April

HOLY THURSDAY Exodus 12:1-8,11-14; Psalm 116B, 1Corinthians 11:23-26, John 13:1-15 Accepting the kindness of others Today we celebrate the two great gifts of love from Jesus. In the institution of the Eucharist he ensures that he is with us always, our food of strength and love. And in washing the feet of his disciples, he […]

Wednesday 27 October

Romans 8:26-30; Psalm 13; Luke 13:22-30 I hope in your loving kindness There is urgency in Jesus’ words as he makes his way to Jerusalem. He knows his time is limited and there is so much still to be done. We know ourselves that there is never enough time, yet we still waste so much […]

Sunday 12 May

FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Acts 13:14,43-52; Psalm 100; Apocalypse 7:9, 14-17; John 10:27-30 The way For thousands of years humans have recognised an intelligence, a spirit, a power, greater than themselves. God has worn many names, even today. Io, Creator, Almighty God, my God. The gospel is very specific, “I know them, and they know […]

Sunday 4 November

Thirty First Week Ordinary Time Deuteronomy 6:2-6; Ps 18; Hebrews 7:23-28; Mark 12:28-34 Being close When we understand and experience the deep love God has for us then we are never too far from others. God’s deep abiding love, rather than pushing us away, draws us closer to others where our friendship and kindness can […]

Thursday 12 July

Hosea 11:1-4, 8-9; Psalm 80; Matthew 10:7-15 The loving kindness of God encloses me What a wonderful image of God is presented to us by the prophet Hosea. Despite the times Israel turned away to follow foreign gods, the loving kindness of God enclosed them. The image is of a parent teaching a child how […]

Thursday 14 June

1 Kings 18: 41-46. Psalm 65, Matthew 5: 20-26 Important words Jesus is giving teachings about loving kindness, and yet his statements seem unusually harsh. Why? To understand this, we need to know something about the Aramaic way of giving emphasis to a message. Exaggeration has a specific function. The greater the exaggeration, the more […]

Saturday 28 April

St Peter Chanel Acts 13:44-52; Ps 96; John 15:12-17 or Luke 6:27-38 or John 12:26 Love A ‘must’ reading about love from John. We have all experienced love in one way or another, often unconditional. Or simple acts of kindness within a family, between friends or team mates, from neighbours, work mates, etc. Martyrs like […]

Saturday 11 November

St Martin of Tours Romans 16:3-9, 16, 22-27; Psalm 145; Luke 16:9-15 Hello Welcoming someone to your home, or sending a friend your greetings, are simple things to do. Both are deeply human actions. In welcoming a visitor, we put ourselves out for that person, making them special. Saying ‘hello,’ by letter or email or […]

Sunday 29 October

30TH WEEK ORDINARY TIME Exodus 22:20-26; Psalm 18;1 Thessalonians 1: 5-10; Matthew 22:34-40 Kindness Jesus reminds us that our love for God and for one another is all that matters. A love that is expressed in our care and kindness. Unlike others, Jesus seems totally motivated for others in each moment of his life. The […]