Tag Archive for ‘Joy Cowley’

Veil Over the Light, by Joy Cowley
Fitzbeck Publishing, 2018 As Joy herself says, she is elderly, her sight is fading fast so this could be her last book. If so, it is a gift of exquisite value. In 168 pages we find a collection of wisdom, humour, joy and profound personal revelation. Michael Fitzsimons, the publisher, has selected many of the […]

3D Faith
We were nearing the end of a writing workshop and it was time for questions. Given the subjects covered, I expected queries about submissions, publishers or maybe agents. But the first question was, “Do you think writing is like meditation?” and from that evolved a vigorous conversation about the spiritual aspect of inspiration and creative […]

The Marist Messenger congratulates one of our regular contributors, Joy Cowley, for her recent award. Joy was the only person this year to be made a member of the Order of New Zealand. The Order of New Zealand [ONZ] recognises outstanding service to the State and people of the country. Joy Cowley DCNZM, OBE, has […]

Many of us have a negative view of fundamentalism, but doesn’t that word simply describe the beginnings of our growth in faith? Whether we talk about Islamic fundamentalism, Bible fundamentalism or Canon Law fundamentalism, we are referring to a belief system that is the religious ground in which people are planted. These systems are designed […]

Notes to a Friend, by Joy Cowley; Chosen, by Liz Maluschnig
Notes to a Friend by Joy Cowley Reviewed by Fr Brian O’Connell s.m. Pleroma Press 2013, 104 pages, RRP $15.00; eBook RRP $12.50 This handy little volume, which fits easily into a purse, arose from a perceived need of a group of pilgrims. The author, who conducts retreats, noticed an increasing number of people turning […]

The Quiet of Mary
Hail Mary, chosen of God. You were little more than a child, an empty room filled with sunlight, lacking in self-awareness, sensing only the tidal pull of the universe drawing you to a place and time. Even then, you did not notice that the sun stood still, burning up all shadow, and the voice that […]

Stations of the Cross for Christchurch
“I was profoundly affected by the story of a boy in a concentration camp during World War II. He was hung by the neck, but being so malnourished, his neck was not broken. He hung there, writhing in pain. A prisoner asked, ‘Where is God now?’ Something inside me replied, ‘He is there, hanging from […]

Dying to Live
A Reflection on Easter He was above all, a teacher. Sometimes, we forget that. But if we narrow His story to fit our notions of atonement theology, we make Him too small, and make God too small. This Jesus, this sacred fire in human form, was the greatest teacher this world has known. He taught […]