Tag Archive for ‘John the Baptist’
Monday 29 August
Passion of John the Baptist Jeremiah 1: 17-19; Psalm 71: 1-6,15,16; Mark 6: 17-29 The gift of Martyrdom All the martyrs show us something of the great battle between good and evil. It is a battle within each of us. It is a battle in our societies. It is a battle in our world. Evil sometimes […]
Saturday 25 June
The Birth of John the Baptist Jer 1:4-10, Psalm 71:1-2,34a,5-6ab, 15ab, 17; 1 Peter 1:8-12, Luke 1:5-17 John is his name. John was a man of burning inner conviction, who lived simply, austerely and who exhibited a fierce courage in denouncing evil. Crowds sought him out because he radiated integrity – there was no split […]
Saturday 14 December
St John of the Cross (M) Ecclesiasticus 48:1-4, 9-11; Psalm 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19; Matthew 17:10-13 Be quiet! It would be hard to get insurance cover for a prophet. Elijah, Judith, John the Baptist, Mary Magdalene, Te Whiti and Tohu, Tupua Tamasese Lealofi, Gandhi, Nelson Madela? The Hebrew word for ‘prophet’ revolves around English words such […]
August in Stained Glass
August is a month with a host of notable feasts. Three of these have already been covered in previous Stained Glass articles — the Transfiguration: August 2017; Assumption and Queenship of Mary: March 2017. On 3 August we celebrate St Dominic, who founded the Dominican Order in 1215. The story is told that his pregnant […]