A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘Jesus’

Monday 18 November

1 Maccabees 1:10-15, 41-43, 54-57, 62-64; Psalm 119P; Luke 18:35-43 Speak up in faith Once the blind man knew that it was Jesus passing by he did not hesitate. He made clear his faith in this miracle-worker. Despite the embarrassment of the crowd at what they thought was his inappropriate behaviour, he boldly persisted. He […]

Friday 15 November

Wisdom 13:1-9; Psalm 19; Luke 17:26-37 A place in time We naturally think of ourselves as New Zealanders living in the 21st century. Such is our place, our time. Yet the Kingdom that Jesus invites us to enter is not about a place in time. His kingdom is about conversion of heart, about commitment and […]

Wednesday 13 November

Wisdom 6:1-11; Psalm 82; Luke 17:11-19 Give thanks! To be a leper in the time of Jesus was to be an outcast, someone totally shunned, alone. To be cured of this affliction then was like being given an unexpected second chance. In such circumstances it would seem natural to be grateful. But only one of […]

Tuesday 12 November

St Josaphat [M] Wisdom 2:23-3:9; Psalm 34; Luke 17:7-10 Serving others brings life The Christian faith is built upon a paradox: die and you will live; give and you will receive. Our culture no longer sees the truth in that apparent contradiction. The emphasis is more on the individual: my rights, my personal development, my […]

Sunday 10 November

32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time 2 Maccabees 7:1-2, 9-14; Psalm 17;2 Thessalonians 2:16-3:5; Luke 20:27-38 Listening to Jesus Sometimes our expectations get in the way of really appreciating an experience. It might be a TV series or a film we were excited about. It might be a holiday we have looked forward to for a […]

Wednesday 6 November

Romans 13:8-10; Psalm 112; Luke 14:25-33 The cost of discipleship So often Jesus reminds his disciples that they shouldn’t be fooled by the adoring crowds, by his popularity. Being a disciple is not an easy path to follow. To follow Christ requires courage and determination. It requires a constant daily effort to be faithful. The […]

Tuesday 5 November

Romans 12:5-16; Psalm 131; Luke 14:15-24 Rejection of God’s Kingdom The Father’s love for us is so strong that he passionately desires that we enter his kingdom by following his son Jesus. The parable communicates this passion of God for us by talking of a king who was enraged by the indifference of so many […]

Monday 4 November

St Charles Borromeo [M] Romans 11:29-36; Psalm 69; Luke 14:12-14 True generosity It is not easy to be truly generous; to act from the heart thinking only of the other. Most often we are hoping at least to be recognised and thanked. Some applause would be better. A small gift might even be appropriate. Jesus, […]

Wednesday 30 October

Romans 8:26-30; Psalm 13; Luke 13:22-30 Only a few saved? Jesus, the “narrow door”, opens himself and his kingdom to those who love and serve him and their neighbour. He warns people who knowingly ignore his call: “I tell you, many will try and enter and will not succeed”. No one enters through Jesus on […]

Monday 28 October

Sts. Simon & Jude, Apostles (F) Ephesians 2:19-22; Psalm 19:1-6; Luke 6:12-16 Jesus went to pray Before summoning from among his disciples the twelve who are called “apostles”, Jesus went into the hills and spent the whole night in prayerful communion with his Father. Only then did he call each one by name. In Ephesians, […]