Tag Archive for ‘Jesus’
Wednesday 8 September
Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary (F) Micah 5:1-4 or Romans 8:28-30; Psalm 13; Matthew 1:1-16, 18-23 No Mary, no Jesus Mary inspires us and challenges us to live an authentic Christ centred, love poured out life. Her strong, gentle yes to what God and life offered her, changed our world. Mary is a fantastic […]

Letting Jesus In
It’s a truism that Jesus needs to be at the centre of our lives as people of faith. No-one really disagrees with this assertion. However, it’s another matter making it real. In a complex, sophisticated society, we have many other matters that absorb our attention and energy. At the moment, uncertainty about the Covid-19 pandemic […]
Saturday 7 August
Deuteronomy 6:4-13; Psalm 18; Matthew 17:14-20. The disciples came to Jesus We are to pray as ourselves. Our gathering for Mass each Sunday is so important it really shapes our week, our prayers with one another and our family prayers are all part and parcel of our life of faith. Yet, all of this praying […]

“Love St Joseph”
The Year of St Joseph 8 December 2020 – 8 December 2021 Love St Joseph a lot. Love him with all your soul, because he, together with Jesus, is the person who has most loved our Blessed Lady and been closer to God. He is the person who has most loved God, after our Mother. […]
Thursday 15 July
St Bonaventure (M) Exodus 3:13-20, Psalm 105, Matthew 11:28-30 Jesus yokes himself with us! A well-fitted yoke enables oxen to work efficiently and comfortably. This image is of being yoked with Jesus who helps pull our load by sharing His perfect yoke with us. What yoke could fit better? Yoking himself to us, Jesus takes […]
Sunday 11 July
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Amos 7:12-15, Psalm 85, Ephesians 1:3-14, Mark 6:7-13 Jesus empowers us today Consider this early church prayer from Ephesians. You are blessed with every spiritual blessing. You are chosen to be holy and pure through love in Christ’s presence. You are adopted into God’s family. Your sin has been wiped […]
Tuesday June 29
Sts Peter and Paul (S) Acts 12:1-11; Ps 34; 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 17-18; Matthew 16:13-19 Jesus looked at Peter Given the church’s present state, not a few people are bewildered. Has Jesus forgotten his promise to Peter? The living God enabled Simon Peter to recognise the Son of God. Even so, when the time of […]

The Interior Castle of St Teresa of Jesus of Ávila
Part 4 of 7 St Teresa begins this treatment by asking “the Holy Spirit to speak for me.” The Fourth Mansion is concerned for the first time with the truly supernatural, beyond the natural. It is not about our work in prayer, which has been the focus in the first three Mansions. Now it is […]
Wednesday 10 February
St Scholastica (M) Genesis 2:4-9, 15-17; Psalm 104:1-2, 27-30; Mark 7:14-23 Jesus enters the house The gospel reading tells us that Jesus entered the house and spoke of a deeper meaning of eating and thinking. This was to encourage the disciples to take a closer look at themselves. Jesus could be saying something like this: […]
Sunday 7 February
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Job 7:1-4, 6-7; Psalm 147:1-6; 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23; Mark 1:29-39 Jesus and Peter’s mother-in-law This passage is an encouraging one for women in Jesus’ time and in our time too. For a rabbi to heal a woman and to take her by the hand was taboo. Jesus breaks this […]