Tag Archive for ‘Jesus’
Friday 11 May
Acts 18:9-18; Psalm 47; John 16:20-23 Hearts full of joy Even though we live in post-resurrection times and know that the war against Satan has been won, there are still times of “weeping and wailing”. In many countries of the world there is either active persecution or else contempt and derision of followers of Jesus. […]
Thursday 10 May
Acts 18:1-8; Psalm 98; John 16:16-20 In a short time … There are a number of occasions in the gospels where we are told that the disciples didn’t understand what Jesus meant by what he said. I know that I sometimes feel the same – I ask ‘what?’ ‘why?’ ‘how?’ about the things happening in […]
Wednesday 9 May
Acts 17:15,22-18:1; Psalm 148; John 16:12-15 The complete truth During the time of Jesus’ teaching, even right up to the resurrection, some of the disciples were still anticipating an earthly kingdom to be restored. Jesus knew they were not ready to understand all he had to say to them but promised that the Holy Spirit […]
Saturday 5 May
Acts 16:1-10; Psalm 100; John 15:18-21 Guided by the Spirit Paul and his fellow-preachers were directed by the Holy Spirit in where to go and how long to stay – even when (as Jesus had predicted) they would sometimes be hated and persecuted for their preaching in Jesus’ name. We do not know in what […]
Thursday 3 May
STs PHILIP & JAMES, apostles 1 Corinthians 15:1-8; Psalm 19A; John 14:6.9 Believe on the evidence The apostles Philip and James are mentioned several times in the Gospels. They, like the other apostles, eventually came to fully believe and they did “ask in Jesus’ name” for the signs and miracles that convinced others that their […]

A Mother’s View Of Our Lady
When we are troubled, and pray for help, Mary has been there before us. She understands how we are feeling, and can ask God to strengthen and help us. She lived through so many crises in her life. She was a young girl, pregnant to an unknown (to others) person. As such, she was likely […]
Tuesday 1 May
Acts 14:19-28; Psalm 145; John 14:27-31 Peace I give you What is this ‘peace’ that Jesus gives us? Certainly not freedom from trials and tribulations in the world. We hear today of Paul being stoned and left for dead and the disciples are warned of what was about to happen to Jesus. Our trials may […]
Sunday 29 April
Fifth Sunday of Easter Acts 9:26-31; Ps 22; 1 John 3:18-24; John 15:1-8 Gardening On occasion, Jesus uses parables on gardening. Today it is pruning time – the grape vines. Rosarians will be familiar with pruning to encourage growth. Then the joy of having a prize-winning bloom. Jesus sees us as branches on the eternal […]
Monday 23 April
Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42; John 10:1-10 or 10:11-18 Good or evil Once again Jesus offers us a choice, either follow him and receive eternal life or choose those who seek to destroy that which is good and holy. We are fortunate in Australasia that we have freedom to choose, whereas in many countries the option […]
Tuesday 17 April
Acts 7:51-8:1; Ps 31; John 6:30-35 Jesus our helper The people were asking for a sign that would endorse their belief in Jesus. Do we pray for favours such as, health, family, employment, housing, etc? Then are we disappointed that nothing seems to happen? Is it a statement of our faith in God that we […]