Tag Archive for ‘Jesus’
Wednesday 30 May
1 Peter1:18-25; Psalm 147B; Mark 10:32-45 Slave to all Our minds can so easily skip over the bad bits and focus on the ‘happy ending’. The apostles didn’t or couldn’t understand what Jesus was talking about when he told them of his coming death. Ever since then, right up to the present, very many Christians […]
Monday 28 May
1 Peter 1:3-9; Psalm 111; Mark 10:17-27 Jesus loved him We do not know from the Gospels if the young man ever did sell his possessions and become a follower of Jesus. Perhaps we have spent many years doing our best to be a good Catholic Christian – then there is an unexpected challenge requiring […]
Sunday 27 May
TRINITY SUNDAY Deuteronomy 4:32-34, 39-40; Psalm 33; Romans 8:14-17: Matthew28:16-20 Father, Son and Holy Spirit Do I truly believe Jesus’ claim to have “all authority in heaven and on earth”? If so, then I will believe and act on all he taught and commanded; I will be “moved by the Spirit” to cry out “Abba, […]
Saturday 26 May
ST PHILIP NERI, priest James 5:13-20; Psalm 114; Mark 10:13-16 Like a little child Children are open and trusting. Their faith is simple and total. This is what Jesus wants us to return to. As we become worldly-wise we may also become cynical. Some lose faith and live in the ways of the world. James […]
Friday 25 May
James 5:9-12; Psalm 103; Mark 10:1-12 Compassion and love Living together can be difficult. James reminds us not to complain about each other and Jesus is questioned about the human situation of marriage breakdown. Perhaps our best hope is shown in the psalm: “my soul, give thanks to the Lord … and never forget his […]
Wednesday 23 May
James 4:13-17; Psalm 49; Mark 9:38-40 In Jesus’ name As it is the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (as I write) our attitude to other Christian denominations comes to mind when Jesus says “no one who works a miracle in my name is likely to speak evil of me”. We can jealously guard our […]
Saturday 19 May
Acts 28:16-20,30-31; Psalm 11; John 21:20-25 Many other things John says that the world could not hold all the books if every action of Jesus had been recorded. Perhaps that is why there are different events recorded by each of the evangelists and recounted in different ways. Jesus discouraged Peter’s question about John’s future but […]
Thursday 17 May
Acts 22:30,23:6-11; Psalm 16; John 17:20-26 May they all be one This text is for us – we are the ones who believe through the words of others, not because we were there with Jesus 2000 years ago. Today, as I write, is the start of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (18 January) […]
Wednesday 16 May
Acts 20:28-38; Psalm 68; John 17:11-19 Raised his eyes to heaven Jesus says this long prayer (the whole of chapter 17) aloud so that the disciples can hear and learn. Every verse is important and worthy of reflection, but so too is Jesus attitude of prayer. He is not just sitting chatting, he adopts a […]
Tuesday 15 May
7th WEEK OF EASTER Acts 20:17-27; Psalm 68; John 17:1-11 The whole of God’s purpose … Both Jesus and Paul are giving a farewell address to their dearest friends, to say goodbye and to encourage them to continue the work Jesus and Paul had been doing. Paul states that he has “put before you (the […]