A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘Jesus’

Tuesday 26 June

2 Kings 19:9-11,14-21,31-36, Psalm 48, Matthew 7:6,12-14 The Journey We can be sure that if Jesus said something his followers didn’t understand, it would not have been remembered. The teachings that were remembered are basic, important and often for people in an early stage of faith. Looking back, most of us recognise the narrow gate […]

Monday 25 June

TWELTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME 2 Kings 17;5-8,13-15,18 ,Psalm 60, Matthew 7:1-5 Here it comes again How often does Jesus condemn judgemental language? I haven’t counted, but as a lover of the gospels, I keep tripping over it. It’s not a comfortable teaching. Jesus says it in many ways and with strong language, which is […]

Sunday 24 June

Birth of St John the Baptist Isaiah 49:1-6, Psalm 139, Acts 13:22-26, Luke 1:57-66,80. The Song of Zechariah John’s father Zechariah proclaims timeless words. This canticle first acknowledges the coming of Jesus, then says that John is called to be ‘a prophet of the Most High.’ Is this so different from the way we are […]

Saturday 23 June

2 Chronicles 24:17-25, Psalm 89, Matthew 6:24-34 Living in Freedom We are tempted to regard Jesus’ teachings as impractical, but let’s read them as guidance rather than instruction. Learning to trust guidance takes a while and we do it step by step, gradually letting go of our insecurity and trusting that God will hold us […]

Thursday 21 June

St Aloysius Gonzaga Ecclesiasticus 48:1-14, Psalm 97, Matthew 6: 7-15 The addition We recite The Lord’s Prayer so often that we tend to rub the edges off the words. Being aware of this, we sometimes go back and pray the sentences we think important. Thy will be done. Give us our daily bread. Deliver us […]

Wednesday 20 June

2 Kings 2:1,6-14, Psalm 31, Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18. Conspicuous piety Why is pride considered a serious sin? Surely there’s no harm in feeling pleasure in what we do. But that’s not what Jesus means. He’s talking about people who want to be seen as holy, people who are so full of the image they’ve made […]

Monday 18 June

1 Kings 21:1-16. Psalm 5, Matthew 5: 38-42 A new kind of justice Today’s gospel teaching would have got a reaction. Justice was measured out as reward or revenge according to the situation. Wasn’t Jesus getting the two mixed up? What was all this about inviting a second smack on the face? I think Jesus […]

Sunday 17 June

ELEVENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME Ezekiel 17:22-24, Psalm 92, 2 Corinthians 5:6-10, Mark 4: 26-34 Jesus the Healer We usually associate the word ‘salvation’ with being rescued or redeemed; but the Latin ‘salve’ means also ‘to heal’. When we see Jesus as Healer, we become aware that this was the focus of his ministry. People […]

Saturday 16 June

1 Kings 19:19-21, Psalm 16, Matthew 5:33-37 Taking an oath For centuries it has been the custom to make a promise on something that is precious. Today the oath may be lightly made, or serious as in the courtroom swearing on the Bible. In Jesus’ time, however, this kind of swearing could be creative and […]

Friday 15 June

1 Kings 19:9, 11-16, Psalm 27, Matthew 5:27-32 Powerless people When a man was tired of his wife, he could simply write a note of divorce. If the discarded wife could not return to her parents, she had to find a way of supporting herself. Often the only option was prostitution. The gospels suggest that […]