Tag Archive for ‘Jesus’
Saturday 21 July
Micah 2:1-5; Psalm 13; Matthew 12:14-21 Jesus is the fulfilment of the prophets The Pharisees had been watching, listening and finding fault with all that Jesus had to say. However his going to the synagogue and healing a physically handicapped man on the sabbath was a step too far and they began to plot against […]
Friday 20 July
Isaiah 38:1-6, 21-22,7-8; Canticle Isaiah 38:10, 11,12a-d, 16; Matthew 12:1-8 Mercy not sacrifice Today we see Jesus showing understanding and compassion for his disciples who are hungry. However the Pharisees could not stop themselves from applying the letter of the law and finding fault. Jesus reminded his followers that they should be motivated by mercy […]
Thursday 19 July
Isaiah 26:7-19; Psalm 102; Matthew 11:28-30 Bring your heavy load to Me How well the scriptures blend together today! With Isaiah we search for God when misfortune overwhelms us and life seems too difficult to bear. When God seems to be far from us the psalmist expresses so well our pain and feeling of abandonment. […]
Wednesday 18 July
Isaiah 10:5-7, 13-16; Psalm 94; Matthew 11:25-27 My God is my rock As the media so often brings us news of discord and enmity between groups of people in various parts of the world and the consequent suffering of innocent persons, I hear myself say with the psalmist, "how much longer are the wicked to […]
Monday 16 July
Isaiah 1:10-17; Psalm 50; Matthew 10:34-11:1 You are my disciple These hard words of Jesus can only be understood in the light of our life experience – the times we had to face challenging situations and make difficult choices. From his own experience Jesus was well aware that being a follower of his may involve […]
Saturday 14 July
Isaiah 6:1-8; Psalm 93; Matthew 10:24-33 Trust in Me Jesus assures his disciples that they can trust in the sovereignty of God completely. While they have left the security of their homes and families to follow him, Jesus further asks them to face hatred and persecution. Will we speak openly of Jesus and not allow […]
Friday 13 July
Hosea 14:2-10; Psalm 51; Matthew 10:16-23 Guided by the Spirit In the gospel reading today Jesus describes in great detail the many ways in which his followers would suffer at the hands of those who opposed him – enough to put them off being followers! Similarly in our troubled world we could take fright at […]
Tuesday 10 July
Hosea 8:4-7, 11-13; Psalm 115; Matthew 9:32-38 Be my hands and my feet Today's gospel passage shows Jesus constantly on the move – teaching, proclaiming and healing. Jesus was moved with compassion for the people he was meeting. A walk down our street or a read of the daily newspaper gives us a glimpse of […]
Monday 9 July
Hosea 2:16-18, 21-22; Psalm 145; Matthew 9:18-26 Courage, your faith will restore you In today's Gospel we read of an unnamed woman who is desperately in need of healing. She would be conscious that in her society she must not approach a strange man in public. In addition because of her bleeding, she is ritually […]
Sunday 8 July
FOURTEENTH WEEK ORDINARY TIME SEA SUNDAY Ezekiel 2:2-5; Psalm 123; 2 Corinthians 12:7-10; Mark 6:1-6 What do you want of me Jesus? When Jesus returned to his home town and preached in the synagogue the locals, recognising him as a local lad, Mary's son, had difficulty accepting him. Who did he think he was? Are […]