A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘Jesus’

Friday 16 November

2 John 4-9; Ps 119A; Luke 17:26-37 Be prepared Events in life can tear relationships asunder, e.g., death, illness, redundancy etc. These are reminders to us of how we should be prepared for the coming of the Lord. The suddenness of Jesus’ coming places a duty on the disciple to be prepared. The events in […]

Wednesday 7 November

Philippians 2:12-18; Ps 27; Luke 14:25-33 Running on empty? Today in the Gospel we see Jesus outline the conditions for discipleship. This discipleship comes from God and asks of the disciple a ‘full hearted’ response to the call. The challenge for the disciple is to be full hearted in prayer and in day-to-day living. It […]

Wednesday 31 October

Ephesians 6:1-9; Psalm 145; Luke 13:22-30 Staying Alive Often the ‘narrow door’ that Jesus refers to is ourselves – or in other words, we can be the biggest obstacle in our own lives! We can become casual and unfocussed in our faith (“we once drank ate and drank in your company”) but perhaps we’ve become […]

Monday 29 October

Ephesians 4:32-5:8; Psalm 1; Luke 13:10-17 A Matter of Perspective The synagogue official, in today’s Gospel, isn’t interested in whether or not the crippled woman has a need – only in the fact that Jesus isn’t abiding by the rules of when healing could and could not take place. We, too, can get caught up […]

Sunday 28 October

30th SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Jeremiah 31:7-9; Psalm 126; Hebrews 5:1-6; Mark 10:46-52 Asking for What We Desire Sometimes we’re told it’s better to suffer in silence than to make a fuss. But not always. Bartimaeus makes no secret of his distress at being blind – and he’s not about to miss the opportunity to […]

Thursday 25 October

Ephesians 3:14-21; Psalm 33; Luke 12:49-53 Being Whole-Hearted If we occasionally have dreams that following Jesus means a life of sweetness, gentleness and tranquility, today’s Gospel passage is a good one to re-read. Behind the violent and aggressive language of Jesus, there is a message: being his disciple means making hard choices; it means being […]

Tuesday 22 October

Ephesians 2:12-22; Psalm 85; Luke 12:35-38 Embracing the Unknown Today’s Gospel stresses the fact that we are not in charge of things – that we are servants rather than the master and that we have tasks to perform. There is an element of uncertainty in being a follower of Jesus: our future is not neatly […]

Sunday 21 October

29th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Isaiah 53:10-11; Psalm 33; Hebrews 4:14-16; Mark 10:35-45 Favours or Trust? There’s an old saying that we need to be careful what we wish for. James and John would have done well to bear that in mind when they asked Jesus for a favour because, as he quickly points out, […]

Friday 19 October

Ephesians 1:11-14; Psalm 33; Luke 12:1-7 What is Life-Giving For Me? There is a wonderful ‘scene-setting’ in the first sentence of today’s Gospel: a huge crowd who are clearly excited and somewhat out of control because, we’re told, “they were treading on one another”. And they’re all there to listen to Jesus. Which rather raises […]

Sunday 14 October

28th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Wisdom 7:7-11; Psalm 90; Hebrews 4:12-13; Mark 10:17-30 What Do I Value Most? We’re told in the Gospel that Jesus loved the rich man and wanted him to follow him – but that wasn’t enough. The rich man did not have the freedom to let go of his possessions and […]