Tag Archive for ‘Jesus’
Friday 1 July
Amos 8: 4-6, 9-12, Psalm 119: 2, 10, 20, 30, 40, 131; Matthew 9: 9-13 Jesus and sinners Jesus regularly shocked the religious leaders of his time. Over and over again he befriends, consoles or works miracles, for people who have been judged and labelled as bad people. Matthew was one of these. What does […]
Friday 24 June
The Sacred Heart of Jesus Ezekiel 34:11-16; Psalm 23: 1-3a, 3b–6; Romans 5:5-11; Luke 15:3-17 Pain born of love The wounded heart of Jesus is a powerful symbol of both pain and love. His love for his Father and for us led him inexorably to the cross. Jesus’ wounded heart teaches us, reminds us that […]
Friday 13 May
Acts 13:26-33; Psalm 2; John 14:1-6 Sticking with Jesus Jesus says he is going back to his Father. The Christian practice of going through Jesus to the Father does not make for an easy Catholic life. Often we must make hard choices daily to stay with Jesus as he moves towards his hardest choice, that […]
Friday 29 April
ST CATHERINE of SIENA (M) Acts 5:34-42; Psalm 27; John 6:1-15 Jesus uses our gifts On seeing the crowd approaching, Jesus immediately recognises they would be hungry. Phillip, rather practically, sees the cost! How did a small boy come to be carrying five loaves and two fish? Andrew notices him and Jesus subsequently makes the […]
Friday 15 April
GOOD FRIDAY Isaiah 52:13-53-12; Psalm 31, Hebrews 4:14-16, 5:7-9, John 18:1-19-42 Jesus dies on the cross Today we watch the son of Mary and Joseph carry his cross to the hilltop, and be crucified. He, the hope of so many, is put to death on a cross. For us Christians, the cross is the enduring […]
Tuesday 12 April
Isaiah 49:1-6; Psalm 71; John 13:21-33, 36-38 Jesus foresees his betrayal by his friends. Jesus is “troubled in spirit” – deeply upset. Judas will betray him, and Peter will deny him. We know Peter, too, as the “Rock” on which was built our Church. His life in serving Jesus was so human, a determined follower […]
Monday 11 April
Isaiah 42:1-7; Psalm 27; John 12:1-11 Jesus, the ultimate friend. Jesus is among friends, at the house of Mary, Martha and Lazarus. Mary, in great love and gratitude, washes and anoints the feet of Jesus with very costly oil – used for embalming the dead. Jesus allows her to do so, and defends her act, […]
Saturday 9 April
Ezekiel 37:21-28; Canticle from Jeremiah 31:10-13; John 11:45-56 I will walk with the suffering Jesus. We are about to enter Holy Week. The prophet Ezekiel recalls God’s words for us: “I will bring my people together, I will make them one people, my people.” God’s intention is clear. Yet, the Gospel reminds us of the […]
Wednesday 6 April
Daniel 3:14-20, 24-25,28; Canticle from Daniel 3:52-56; John 8:31-42 Home with Jesus Home is the word we use for where we are comfortable, able to be ourselves with no pressures, where we are nourished, a place we share with our family and friends, and yes, now and then, strangers. Jesus uses the image of ‘home’ […]
Tuesday 5 April
Numbers 21:4-9; Psalm 102; John 8:21-30 Whatever you want, Jesus The disgruntled Jews in the desert, afflicted by poisonous snakes, could look at the bronze serpent on the standard in repentance and be healed. Jesus uses this image to speak of his upcoming crucifixion, and that his mission is to preach what his Father has […]