Tag Archive for ‘Jesus’
Tuesday 14 May
St. Matthias, Apostle Acts 1:15-17, 20-26; Psalm 113; John 15:9-17 A living church In today's reading from Acts, we receive a lesson in keeping our beloved Church vibrant. Judas had gone. The believers prayed in community and then voted. So, we should keep our family church expanding, using all the skills and talents of those […]
Tuesday 7 May
Acts 7:51,8: 1; Psalm 31; John 6:30-35 Live in Christ It's natural to long for the things of the past. The music was great, the food tasted better. The sea and rivers were cleaner. Jesus' listeners remembered the manna from heaven and being saved by Moses — the good times of the past. However, we […]
Monday 6 May
Acts 6:8-15; Psalm 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30; John 6:22-29 Bread from heaven The miracle of the loaves drew the crowds to Jesus. Food for their bodies was a physical attraction. But his words and the gift of his body have a spiritual attraction for us, and give life to our souls. Most of us are near […]
Saturday 4 May
Acts 6 1-7; Psalm 33; John 6:16-21 Feed my sheep It's okay to take a break in our busy lives. Jesus hoped to give the disciples a holiday from evangelising. But the crowds continued to stay in Jesus' presence. It was spring. The annual Paschal feast. They wanted more and more of Jesus' preaching and […]

Abba Father — Who Are You? (4)
Shame at the Service of Love Chapter 15 of Luke’s Gospel is very familiar; variously described as the Prodigal Son, the Loving Father, the Lost Son and Brother. At the story’s centre is the unexpected, even disarming spontaneity of the father’s reaction to the son he sees, in the distance, coming back home. This graphic […]

The Problem of Sin and God
Is sin a problem for God? NO! No, sin is not a problem to God in the sense that He cannot cope with it, cannot overcome the difficulty that sin presents – not to Him but to us, the ones who sin. Even the Old Testament recognised that God could and did deal very effectively […]
Tuesday 30 April
Acts 4:32-37; Psalm 93; John 3:7-15 Jesus teaches Our life of prayer prepares our hearts to be sensitive to the presence of God in our midst. In our gospel today, Jesus again reminds them about a readiness to receive the Son of Man. Jesus, in conversation with Nicodemus, opens up the intent of God and […]
Monday 29 April
St Catherine of Siena Acts 4: 23-31; Psalm 2; John 3:1-8 Imagine The Easter season re-orientates our way of seeing in our world. We are invited to taste the imagination of God, to see risen life in a crucified body, forgiveness in open wounds; and to be so interiorly re-orientated that we are, in fact, […]
Thursday 25 April
Anzac Day Acts 3:11 -26; Psalm 8; Luke 24:35-48 They were amazed We all remember those who have died in war and those who go on suffering grief in the years that follow. In considering the places of ongoing conflict in our world, we need again and again to hear these words of Jesus, “Peace […]
Wednesday 24 April
Acts 3:1-10; Psalm 105; Luke 24:13-35 They told their story Jesus displays his bodily resurrection, showing hands and feet as he offers Peace. Our faith in God is never an abstraction but involves all of us, hands and feet included. It is peacemaking to appreciate again and again, our story of what has happened to […]