A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘Jesus’

Wednesday 5 June

ST BONIFACE BISHOP, MARTYR Acts 20:28-38; Psalm 68; John 10:11-19 Jesus’ prayer for his disciples John’s gospel records Jesus’ prayer for us and for his disciples. His prayer is that we may be united with him and with the Father. Being one with him and with the Father does not mean that we be removed […]

Monday 3 June

ST CHARLES LAWANGA AND COMPANIONS, MARTYRS Acts 19:1-8; Psalm 68; John 16:29-33 Courage to believe St Charles Lawanga was martyred in Uganda in 1887. He had been an attendant to the king and a fervent Catholic. He was put to death with his companions because of their opposition to the king’s desires. In today’s gospel […]

Sunday 2 June

THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD Acts 1:1-11; Ephesians 1:17-23; Psalm 47; Luke 24:46-53 Being blessed In his final action while on Earth before he ascended to his Father in heaven, Jesus blessed his disciples. The disciples in turn worshipped him and then went joyfully to the Temple praising God. Today is one of those special […]

Abba Father – Who Are You? (5)

Watching our Language with God In the first article about Abba Father, we noted how, in talking about God, we reach a point when we run out of words. God’s mystery is so vast that, ultimately, we are reduced to silence. We can only sit still, wonder, desiring “we know not what”. It’s Faith reduced […]

Parables in Stained Glass (3)

The parable of the Lost Sheep is about a shepherd who left his flock (those who were already saved) to find the one sheep that was lost, and when he found it, rejoiced. I have seen many windows that show Jesus as the good shepherd, but only a small number that portray the parable. The […]

Saturday 1 June

ST JUSTIN, MARTYR Acts 18:23-28; Psalm 47; John 16:23-28 The Spirit of Truth St Justin was a martyr of the second century who wrote extensively in defence of the faith. I wonder what questions of faith he would be writing about today? There seem to be so many issues that confront our life of faith. […]

Thursday 30 May

Acts 18:1-8; Psalm 98; John 16:16-20 Evangelising the world Jesus’ followers were puzzled by the many references to time away. “A little time”, and “going away”. He was preparing them for when he returned to heaven. Their real work would then begin. To evangelise the world. They had received three years of intense training from […]

Monday 27 May

Acts 16:11-15; Psalm 149; John 15:26-16:4 Te Wairua Tapu — The Holy Spirit Jesus promised to send us help – the Holy Spirit. The Advocate. But he could not send him until Jesus himself had returned to the Father. But a Holy Spirit, a Wairua Tapu? This was new, he would advocate for us with […]

Tuesday 21 May

Acts 14: 19-28; Psalm 145; John 14:27-31 My peace I give Love and peace will rule. In the first reading, the apostles have begun to spread the word to the gentiles. The Jewish hierarchy is jealous and violent. So, the message is taken to those willing to listen. In the second reading Jesus advises his […]

Saturday 18 May

Acts 13:44-52; Psalm 98; John 14: 7- 14 Knowing God We are overwhelmed by the power, the intelligence and the creativity of God. In the whole order of life, we can feel like blobs of existence. But Jesus Christ chose to join our lives. His Father made us in his image and likeness. He took […]