Tag Archive for ‘Jesus’
Thursday 19 September
1 Timothy 4:12-16; Psalm 111; Luke 7:36-50 Our compassionate God If we put ourselves among those who watched the woman weeping as she poured the precious and sweet-smelling ointment over Jesus’ feet we too might feel shocked. Imagine a similar scene in a public place here in New Zealand! Would you be shocked if some […]
Wednesday 18 September
1 Timothy 3:14-16; Psalm 111; Luke 7:31-35 Jesus is human like us Today’s gospel reveals a very human Jesus, exasperated with the stubborn disbelief of the Jews. We are sometimes tempted to think that Jesus, being God, was different from us. Like him, we get angry, disappointed, sad and sometimes express our feelings to those […]
Monday 16 September
SAINTS CORNELIUS AND CYPRIAN (M) 1 Timothy 2:1-8; Psalm 28; Luke 7:1-10 God’s love is for everyone The centurion in today’s gospel seems to be an exceptional man. He has built a synagogue for the Jewish people and now demonstrates an extraordinary faith in Jesus who is “amazed” at such faith. How often do we […]
Saturday 14 September
EXALTATION OF THE HOLY CROSS (F) Numbers 21:4-9; Psalm 78; Philippians 2:6-11; John 3:13-17 Jesus’ cross and ours Six months after celebrating the death and resurrection of Jesus we are again reminded of the cross of Jesus. By believing in Jesus, the crucified one who rose again, we can experience that all our suffering and […]
Thursday 12 September
The Holy Name of Mary (OM) Colossians 3:12-17; Psalm 150; Luke 6:27-38 Loving our enemies Today’s Gospel could not be clearer! At the same time, it is certainly one of the most difficult commandments of Jesus for all of us. Stop and think: who has truly hurt me? Who am I withholding my affection from […]
Tuesday 10 September
Colossians 2: 6-15; Psalm 145; Luke 6:12-19 Called to be healers Jesus calls a group of men to follow him closely and is immediately inundated with crowds who beg him to heal them. Perhaps the first lesson that Jesus is teaching his newly chosen disciples is that they too will be asked to give themselves […]
Monday 9 September
Colossians 1:24-2:3; Psalm 62; Luke 6:6-11 My strength comes from God Jesus heals on the Sabbath, once again incurring the fury of his enemies. Over and over again we see that, in Jesus, compassionate love far surpasses the prescriptions of the law. Did the words of the psalmist strengthen him at this moment and at […]
Sunday 8 September
23rd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8-14 September, Social Justice Week Wisdom 9:13-18; Psalm 90; Philemon 9-10, 12-17; Luke 14:25-33 Take up your cross Some of Jesus’ words are hard to take! He tells his disciples to think deeply before deciding to be his disciples because it is not going to be easy! Before literally taking […]
Saturday 7 September
Colossians 1:21-23; Psalm 54; Luke 6:1-5 Legalism and love Many times, we hear Jesus teaching his disciples that love is more important than the mere observance of the law. His most scathing words were for those who thought themselves holy because they scrupulously kept all the rules and despised those who were not able to […]
Wednesday 4 September
Colossians 1:1-8; Psalm 52; Luke 4:38-44 Giving and receiving In this Gospel passage we see Jesus giving of himself to the point of exhaustion. Perhaps his early morning retreat to a deserted place was not only to pray but also to replenish his physical strength. Each of us is called to announce the Good News […]