Tag Archive for ‘Jesus Christ’
Monday 7 March
Isaiah 65:17-21, Ps 30, John 4:43-54 The miracle of personhood Isaiah’s vision sounds like heaven. Jesus says that my faith is strengthened when I move from seeing miracles as earthly signs that heaven exists, to absorbing the miracle and the Person who performs it into my life. To do this requires a vision that is […]
Thursday 3 March
Jeremiah 7:23-28, Ps 95, Luke 11:14-23 Sincere discipleship Sincerity is the fruit of unity. A person who is sincere is a person in whom body and soul are so united that it is impossible to tell where one ends and the other starts. Jesus Christ was such a person. He faced God squarely, prayed to […]
Monday 29 December
SAINT THOMAS BECKET 1 John 2:3-11, Psalm 96, Luke 2:22-35 The ransom paid Jesus was presented to God in the temple. A first-born son had to be purchased back from God. First-born sons of Jewish parents were the Lord’s property. Because he spared Jewish boys from universal destruction of the first-born, at the time of […]
Saturday 11 October
Galatians 3:22-29; Ps 105; Luke 11:27-28 Clothed in Christ We are all ‘children of God through faith in Jesus Christ … clothed in Christ’. As such, we are called to ‘hear the word of God and keep it’. By the patent goodness of our lives lived in obedience to God’s word, we are to ‘tell […]
Saturday 20 September
Sts andrew taegon, paul chong hasang & companions 1 Cor 15: 35-37, 42-49; Psalm 56; Luke 8: 4-15 Word of God In its widest sense ‘Word of God’ means God’s revelation to us. God speaks his Word in many ways … through nature, through the stuff of daily life, through the Bible, through the Liturgy, […]
Monday 23 June
Twelfth Week Ordinary Time 2 Kings 17: 5-8,13-15,18,Ps. 60, Matthew 7: 1-5 Keep on believing Being called a hypocrite is almost inevitable in a Christian life. Believing in the high ideals of love lived by Jesus Christ but failing in everyday ways to live up to them does invite vehement criticism from the world at […]
Wednesday 11 June
St. Barnabas, Apostle Acts 11:21-26,13:1-3, Ps. 98, Matthew 10:7-13 So little is needed The austerity demanded here of an apostle does not seem to fit married discipleship lived through family life. Yet children should be taught about the hardships of following Jesus Christ and be able to see some manifestation of these hardships in everyday […]
Wednesday 4 June
Acts 20:28-38, Ps. 68, John 17:11-19 Seek the truth Knowing or seeking the truth about life keeps us honest to God. Do I relate to the person of Jesus Christ as a man who helps me discover the truth and what it means to be honest before God? God’s love is with me as it […]
Can You Bear It?
An old nun who was living in a convent next to a construction site noticed the coarse language of the workers and decided to spend some time with them to correct their ways. She decided she would take her lunch and sit with them, so she put her sandwich in a brown bag and walked […]
Monday 06 January
Co-worker with Jesus for God So as a follower of Jesus Christ I must show this great and inclusive love to others and all things on planet earth. This is my vocation as understood by the help of the Holy Spirit guiding me [1 John 3:27-4:6 and Psalm 2]. As one like us on earth […]