A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘Jesus Christ’

Tuesday 26 September

Ezra 6:7-8,12,14-20, Psalm 122, Luke 8:19-21 Trust in God Paradoxically, this truth about the mission of Jesus Christ comes to be known through building up family and parish life. Churches need family and parish life but the Word of God cannot be bound even by this goodness. Few are called to cut ties with their […]

Monday 25 September

Ezra 1:1-6, Psalm 126, Luke 8:16-18 Being the lamp My meditation on the Word of God can be thought of as bringing light to my soul. Jesus Christ already knows what is hidden in my soul but sometimes I do not. He is the person who can light up what is already good in it […]

Friday 22 September

1 Timothy 6:2-12, Psalm 49, Luke 8:1-3 The right focus The readings today hint at the sort of resourcefulness a follower of Jesus Christ must have. Some money, but not too much. How much is enough? A saintly life finds the right answer to that question. The women in the Gospel are saints. They share […]

Wednesday 20 September

STS Andrew Kim Taegon, Paul Chong Hasang and Companions 1 Timothy 3:14-16, Psalm 111, Luke 7:31-35 Wise discipleship The Gospel Acclamation for today says, “Accept God’s message for what it really is: God’s message, and not some human thinking.” Mystery is part of our faith lives. Jesus Christ has an air of mystery about him […]

Saturday 16 September

Sts. Cornelius and Cyprian 2 Corinthians 4: 7-15, Ps 125, John 17: 11-19 Martyrs in common. The death of a martyr reminds us that we all carry the life and death of Jesus Christ around in our bodies. The soft persecution of Christians in post-truth societies must be borne with a martyr’s courage and faith. […]

Thursday 14 September

the Triumph of the Cross Numbers 21:4-9, Psalm 78, Philippians 2:6-11,John 3:13-17 Contemplate the Cross How is my life connected to Jesus Christ’s Cross? Is it just a liturgical connection at Easter? Do I delete the unpleasantness of the Cross from my living out of the Gospel? If I pursue an easy churched life with […]

Saturday 9 September

Colossians 1:21-23, Psalm 54, Luke 6:1-5 The power of love How evangelical is my love? Jesus Christ tells me today that my love must not be confined to the narrowness of what I know because in the end that narrowness confines my capacity for love. We get a very clear picture of the power of […]

Thursday 7 September

Colossians 1: 9-14, Psalm 98, Luke 5:1-11 The world needs saints St. Paul makes it clear that my evangelizing life must be one in which my good works are combined with an increasing knowledge of God’s love and his will for me. He says this sort of life is saintly. I become holy by moving […]

Wednesday 6 September

Colossians 1:1-8, Psalm 52, Luke 4:38-44 Healer and challenger St. Peter’s mother-in-law was suffering from a fever. Jesus Christ did not waste time in making her better. He simply healed her. When I get in a tizz, a 'fever,' about the trials of being a family person trying to follow Jesus Christ, he comes to […]

Monday 4 September

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, Psalm 96, Luke 4:16-30 The full package Jesus Christ tells those who are with him the truth about himself. He is not falsely humble, pretending to be a lesser person than he is. A humble, truthful person is often hard to befriend. Jesus Christ is such a Person. He has a prophet’s […]